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Review of Maritime Transport 1999

Series: Review of Maritime Transport
( Print: January 2000, PDF: March 1999 )

This annual review identifies the main development in world maritime transport and provides world-wide statistical data. It takes a look at supply/demand equilibrium in containerized shipping...

This annual review identifies the main development in world maritime transport and provides world-wide statistical data. It takes a look at supply/demand equilibrium in containerized shipping...


Review of Maritime Transport 1998

Series: Review of Maritime Transport
( Print: May 1999, PDF: July 1998 )

This annual review identifies the main development in world maritime transport and provides world-wide statistical data. It takes a look at supply/demand equilibrium in containerized shipping...

This annual review identifies the main development in world maritime transport and provides world-wide statistical data. It takes a look at supply/demand equilibrium in containerized shipping...


Review of Maritime Transport 2015 (Arabic language)

Series: Review of Maritime Transport (Arabic)
( PDF: March 2015 )

Access to frequent and reliable shipping services is key for developing countries’ trade with overseas markets. Firms cannot export competitively and participate global value chains without adequate...

Access to frequent and reliable shipping services is key for developing countries’ trade with overseas markets. Firms cannot export competitively and participate global value chains without adequate...


Review of Maritime Transport 2015

Series: Review of Maritime Transport
( Print: November 2015, PDF: December 2015 )

Access to frequent and reliable shipping services is key for developing countries’ trade with overseas markets. Firms cannot export competitively and participate global value chains without adequate...

Access to frequent and reliable shipping services is key for developing countries’ trade with overseas markets. Firms cannot export competitively and participate global value chains without adequate...


Informe sobre el transporte marítimo 2015

Series: Transporte Marítimo, El
( PDF: August 2015 )

El Transporte Marítimo 2015 destaca que el transporte marítimo se enfrenta al doble desafío de la adaptación al cambio climático y la mitigación de sus efectos. Si bien sigue siendo urgente reducir...

El Transporte Marítimo 2015 destaca que el transporte marítimo se enfrenta al doble desafío de la adaptación al cambio climático y la mitigación de sus efectos. Si bien sigue siendo urgente reducir...


Review of Maritime Transport 2015 (Russian language)

Series: Review of Maritime Transport (Russian)
( PDF: February 2015 )

Access to frequent and reliable shipping services is key for developing countries’ trade with overseas markets. Firms cannot export competitively and participate global value chains without adequate...

Access to frequent and reliable shipping services is key for developing countries’ trade with overseas markets. Firms cannot export competitively and participate global value chains without adequate...


Review of Maritime Transport 2015 (Chinese language)

Series: Review of Maritime Transport (Chinese)
( PDF: August 2015 )

Access to frequent and reliable shipping services is key for developing countries’ trade with overseas markets. Firms cannot export competitively and participate global value chains without adequate...

Access to frequent and reliable shipping services is key for developing countries’ trade with overseas markets. Firms cannot export competitively and participate global value chains without adequate...


Review of Maritime Transport 2002

Series: Review of Maritime Transport
( Print: February 2003, PDF: October 2006 )

This annual review identifies main developments in world maritime transport and provides world-wide statistical data. It takes a look at supply/demand equilibrium in containerized shipping...

This annual review identifies main developments in world maritime transport and provides world-wide statistical data. It takes a look at supply/demand equilibrium in containerized shipping...


El transporte marítimo en 2002

Series: Transporte Marítimo, El
( Print: September 2003, PDF: September 2003 )

El presente informe es una publicación anual preparada por la secretaría de la conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre Comercio y Desarrollo. Su propósito es estudiar los principales acontecimientos...

El presente informe es una publicación anual preparada por la secretaría de la conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre Comercio y Desarrollo. Su propósito es estudiar los principales acontecimientos...


Étude sur les transports maritimes 2002

Series: Etude sur les transports maritimes
( Print: November 2003, PDF: November 2003 )

L'Étude sur les transports maritimes est une publication annuelle établie par le secrétariat de la Conférence des Nations Unies sur le commerce et le développement. Elle a pour objet de décrire les...

L'Étude sur les transports maritimes est une publication annuelle établie par le secrétariat de la Conférence des Nations Unies sur le commerce et le développement. Elle a pour objet de décrire les...


Review of Maritime Transport 2001

Series: Review of Maritime Transport
( Print: February 2002, PDF: October 2006 )

Review of Maritime Transport identifies the main development in world maritime transport and provides worldwide statistical data. This annual review focuses on the development of maritime activities...

Review of Maritime Transport identifies the main development in world maritime transport and provides worldwide statistical data. This annual review focuses on the development of maritime activities...


El transporte marítimo en 2001

Series: Transporte Marítimo, El
( Print: August 2002, PDF: August 2002 )

El presente informe es una publicación anual preparada por la secretaría de la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre Comercio y Desarrollo. Su propósito es estudiar los principales acontecimientos...

El presente informe es una publicación anual preparada por la secretaría de la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre Comercio y Desarrollo. Su propósito es estudiar los principales acontecimientos...


Étude sur les transports maritimes 2001

Series: Etude sur les transports maritimes
( Print: August 2002, PDF: August 2002 )

Cette étude a pour objet de décrire les principales tendances des transports maritimes mondiaux et de fournir des données statistiques. Elle met l'accent sur l'évolution des activités de transport...

Cette étude a pour objet de décrire les principales tendances des transports maritimes mondiaux et de fournir des données statistiques. Elle met l'accent sur l'évolution des activités de transport...


Review of Maritime Transport 2011 (Arabic language)

Series: Review of Maritime Transport (Arabic)
( PDF: December 2011 )

More than 80 per cent of international trade in goods is carried by sea and an even higher percentage of developing-country trade is carried in ships. The Review of Maritime Transport, an annual...

More than 80 per cent of international trade in goods is carried by sea and an even higher percentage of developing-country trade is carried in ships. The Review of Maritime Transport, an annual...


Review of Maritime Transport 2011

Series: Review of Maritime Transport
( Print: March 2012, PDF: December 2011 )

More than 80 per cent of international trade in goods is carried by sea and an even higher percentage of developing-country trade is carried in ships. The Review of Maritime Transport, an annual...

More than 80 per cent of international trade in goods is carried by sea and an even higher percentage of developing-country trade is carried in ships. The Review of Maritime Transport, an annual...


Review of Maritime Transport 2011 (Russian language)

Series: Review of Maritime Transport (Russian)
( PDF: May 2011 )

More than 80 per cent of international trade in goods is carried by sea and an even higher percentage of developing-country trade is carried in ships. The Review of Maritime Transport, an annual...

More than 80 per cent of international trade in goods is carried by sea and an even higher percentage of developing-country trade is carried in ships. The Review of Maritime Transport, an annual...


Review of Maritime Transport 2012 (Arabic language)

Series: Review of Maritime Transport (Arabic)
( PDF: September 2012 )

More than 80 per cent of international trade in goods is carried by sea and an even higher percentage of developing-country trade is carried in ships. The Review of Maritime Transport, an annual...

More than 80 per cent of international trade in goods is carried by sea and an even higher percentage of developing-country trade is carried in ships. The Review of Maritime Transport, an annual...


Review of Maritime Transport 2012

Series: Review of Maritime Transport
( Print: February 2013, PDF: December 2012 )

More than 80 per cent of international trade in goods is carried by sea and an even higher percentage of developing-country trade is carried in ships. The Review of Maritime Transport, an annual...

More than 80 per cent of international trade in goods is carried by sea and an even higher percentage of developing-country trade is carried in ships. The Review of Maritime Transport, an annual...


El transporte marítimo en 2012

Series: Transporte Marítimo, El
( PDF: June 2012 )

El transporte maritime es la espina dorsal del comercio internacional y un motor fundamental de la globalization. En torno al 80% del volume del comercio mundial, y mas del 70% de su valor, se mueve...

El transporte maritime es la espina dorsal del comercio internacional y un motor fundamental de la globalization. En torno al 80% del volume del comercio mundial, y mas del 70% de su valor, se mueve...


Étude sur les transports maritimes 2012

Series: Etude sur les transports maritimes
( PDF: July 2012 )

Parallélement a l'évolution de l'économie mondiale et du traffic mondial des marchandises, le traffic maritime international a poursuivi sa croissance en 2011, encore qu'a un rythme plus lent qu'en...

Parallélement a l'évolution de l'économie mondiale et du traffic mondial des marchandises, le traffic maritime international a poursuivi sa croissance en 2011, encore qu'a un rythme plus lent qu'en...