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Journey Home, A

The Humanitarian Challenge in Kosovo

( Print: July 2002 )

Through photographs, this book visually documents the consequences of one of the most traumatic events that has occurred in Europe at the end of the twentieth century - the war in Kosovo. Many...

Through photographs, this book visually documents the consequences of one of the most traumatic events that has occurred in Europe at the end of the twentieth century - the war in Kosovo. Many...

Envejecimiento, solidaridad y protección social en América Latina y el Caribe

la hora de avanzar hacia la igualdad

( Print: April 2013 )

Si no se cuenta, no cuenta

información sobre la violencia contra las mujeres

( Print: October 2013 )

Construyendo autonomía

compromisos e indicadores de género

( Print: October 2013 )

Sustainable Development 20 Years on from the Earth Summit

Progress, gaps and strategic guidelines for Latin America and the Caribbean

( Print: October 2013 )

La Sostenibilidad del Desarrollo a 20 Años de la Cumbre para la Tierra

Avances, brechas y lineamientos estratégicos para América Latina y el Caribe

( Print: October 2013 )

Middle-Income Countries

a Structural Gap Approach

( Print: October 2013 )

Los países de renta media

Un nuevo enfoque basado en brechas estructurales

( Print: October 2013 )

e-Health in Latin America and the Caribbean

Progress and Challenges

( Print: November 2013 )

Salud electrónica en América Latina y el Caribe

avances y desafíos

( Print: November 2013 )

Cambio climático

una perspectiva regional

( Print: November 2013 )

Banda ancha en América Latina

más allá de la conectividad

( Print: November 2013 )

Pactos para la igualdad

hacia un futuro sostenible

( Print: August 2014 )

Structural Change for Equality

An Integrated Vision of Development

( Print: August 2012 )


REFWORLD CD-ROM, and Training Manual

( Print: August 2001 )

REFWORLD is a collection of databases representing the most comprehensive and reliable refugee information resource available. Also included with the information are United Nations General Assembly...

REFWORLD is a collection of databases representing the most comprehensive and reliable refugee information resource available. Also included with the information are United Nations General Assembly...



( Print: September 2003 )

RefWorld is a collection of databases representing the most comprehensive and reliable refugee information resource available. It contains a collection of documents from the Office of the United...

RefWorld is a collection of databases representing the most comprehensive and reliable refugee information resource available. It contains a collection of documents from the Office of the United...