1 - 7 of 7 results


Birth Registration

Right from the Start

( Print: June 2009 )

This Digest looks at birth registration, a fundamental human right that opens the door to other rights, including education and health care, participation and protection. It explains why the births of...

This Digest looks at birth registration, a fundamental human right that opens the door to other rights, including education and health care, participation and protection. It explains why the births of...


Changing a Harmful Social Convention

Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting

( Print: January 2008 )

This Innocenti Digest examines the social dynamics of female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C). In communities where it is practiced, FGM/C is an important part of girls’ and women’s cultural gender...

This Innocenti Digest examines the social dynamics of female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C). In communities where it is practiced, FGM/C is an important part of girls’ and women’s cultural gender...

Early Marriage

Child Spouses

( Print: May 2001 )

Throughout the world, marriage is regarded as a moment of celebration and a milestone in adult life. Sadly, as this Digest makes clear, the practice of early marriage gives no cause for celebration...

Throughout the world, marriage is regarded as a moment of celebration and a milestone in adult life. Sadly, as this Digest makes clear, the practice of early marriage gives no cause for celebration...


Ensuring the Rights of Indigenous Children

( Print: April 2004 )

This report presents and evaluates the most effective ways to promote the rights of indigenous children taking into consideration their unique and rich cultural heritage. It pays particular attention...

This report presents and evaluates the most effective ways to promote the rights of indigenous children taking into consideration their unique and rich cultural heritage. It pays particular attention...

Independent Institutions

Protecting Children's Rights

( Print: September 2001 )

This publication focuses on independent human rights institutions for children. It points out the urgent need to create such institutions in every country to protect, promote, and monitor children's...

This publication focuses on independent human rights institutions for children. It points out the urgent need to create such institutions in every country to protect, promote, and monitor children's...


Poverty and Exclusion among Urban Children

Series: Innocenti Digest
( Print: March 2003 )

This report addresses the reality of millions of poor children living in urban cities worldwide. It highlights the chronic poverty and marginalisation they face, many of them living in conditions of...

This report addresses the reality of millions of poor children living in urban cities worldwide. It highlights the chronic poverty and marginalisation they face, many of them living in conditions of...


Promoting the Rights of Children with Disabilities

( Print: January 2008 )

The Innocenti Digest on Promoting the Rights of Children with Disabilities attempts to provide a global perspective on the situation of some 200 million children with disabilities. The Digest is based...

The Innocenti Digest on Promoting the Rights of Children with Disabilities attempts to provide a global perspective on the situation of some 200 million children with disabilities. The Digest is based...