Trade and Entrepreneurship in Indonesia From a Gender and Development Perspective

Trade and Entrepreneurship in Indonesia From a Gender and Development Perspective

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This study, which focuses on trade and gender linkages and their impact on women’s entrepreneurship in Indonesia, forms part of UNCTAD’s teaching material on trade and gender. The aim of this capacity-building initiative is to promote the capacity of policymakers, civil society organizations, academics, and other stakeholders to examine the interaction between trade and gender and develop gender-responsive policies. Section 2 of the report gives an overview of socioeconomic and gender profiles, and section 3 presents the trade structure of Indonesia. Section 4 examines the impact of Indonesia’s trade flows and trade policy on women’s economic empowerment and entrepreneurship, with a focus on selected case studies from each broad economic sector, namely the oil palm sector from agriculture, the wearing apparel and furniture sectors from industry, and the tourism, wellness, creative economy, and banking sectors from services. These sectors are either major exporters or key sectors of the domestic economy in which women are concentrated, and they are all priority sectors for the government. Section 4 also discusses women entrepreneurs in e-commerce as an emerging area of interest for trade and female entrepreneurship. Section 5 delves into trade policy. It analyses the gender and trade nexus in Indonesia, international good practices, and country examples of economies similar to Indonesia. On that basis, the section proposes a roadmap to use trade and related policies to support women’s economic empowerment and entrepreneurship. Section 6 summarizes the main findings of the report and presents a policy implementation framework.


UNCTAD/Division on International Trade and Commodities (DITC)
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