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Armas Pequeñas

Series: Desarme Serie de Estudios
( Print: July 2000 )

Debido a que se obtienen y utilizan con facilidad, las armas pequeñas y las armas ligeras han constituido los instrumentos de violencia principales o únicos en casi todos los conflictos recientes de...

Debido a que se obtienen y utilizan con facilidad, las armas pequeñas y las armas ligeras han constituido los instrumentos de violencia principales o únicos en casi todos los conflictos recientes de...


Relación entre Desarme y Desarrollo en el Contexto Internacional Contemporáneo, La

Series: Desarme Serie de Estudios
( Print: November 2005 )

En el informe del Grupo de Expertos gubernamentales se reevalúa la relación existente entre desarme y desarrollo, así como el papel de la Organización al respecto, teniendo en cuenta todos los grandes...

En el informe del Grupo de Expertos gubernamentales se reevalúa la relación existente entre desarme y desarrollo, así como el papel de la Organización al respecto, teniendo en cuenta todos los grandes...

Estudio sobre la Aplicación de Medidas de Fomento de la Confianza en el Espacio Ultraterrestre

Series: Desarme Serie de Estudios
( Print: July 1994 )

Con aproximadamente 300 satélites operacionales en órbita y más de la mitad de ellos en misiones militares, los Estados Miembros son partidarios de una mayor transparencia y de medidas de fomento de...

Con aproximadamente 300 satélites operacionales en órbita y más de la mitad de ellos en misiones militares, los Estados Miembros son partidarios de una mayor transparencia y de medidas de fomento de...

Maintenance Management Manual with Special Reference to Developing Countries

Series: UNIDO General Studies
( Print: January 1995 )

The objective of this book and of the maintenance function is to ensure the utilization of the most efficient production equipment, utilities and related facilities at optimal cost and under...

The objective of this book and of the maintenance function is to ensure the utilization of the most efficient production equipment, utilities and related facilities at optimal cost and under...

Manual for Small Industrial Business

Project Design and Appraisal

Series: UNIDO General Studies
( Print: May 1995 )

This Manual provides guidance for the planning, analysis, appraisal and implementation of small- and medium-scale industrial investments. Drawing on broad-based experiences in the field of small...

This Manual provides guidance for the planning, analysis, appraisal and implementation of small- and medium-scale industrial investments. Drawing on broad-based experiences in the field of small...

Estudio sobre las Formas y los Medios de Promover la Transparencia en las Transferencias...

Series: Desarme Serie de Estudios
( Print: February 1993 )

Uno de los adelantos significativos de los últimos años ha consistido en apreciar el valor de la transparencia y la apertura en las relaciones entre los Estados. En esta publicación se examinan las...

Uno de los adelantos significativos de los últimos años ha consistido en apreciar el valor de la transparencia y la apertura en las relaciones entre los Estados. En esta publicación se examinan las...

Posible Utilización para la Protección del Medio Ambiente de Recursos Asignados a Actividades...

Series: Desarme Serie de Estudios
( Print: July 1993 )

El mundo apenas comienza a luchar con las consecuencias de dedicar los recursos militares a fines no militares. En esta publicación se examina la posibilidad excepcional que tienen los...

El mundo apenas comienza a luchar con las consecuencias de dedicar los recursos militares a fines no militares. En esta publicación se examina la posibilidad excepcional que tienen los...

Issues in the Commercialization of Biotechnology

Series: UNIDO General Studies
( Print: May 1993 )

In-depth papers presented by experts in the field discuss the new dimensions being created by biotechnology. They review both general and product-oriented policies and programmes in developed and...

In-depth papers presented by experts in the field discuss the new dimensions being created by biotechnology. They review both general and product-oriented policies and programmes in developed and...

Estudio Sobre Conceptos y Políticas de Seguridad con Fines Defensivos

Series: Desarme Serie de Estudios
( Print: October 1993 )

Al concentrarse en los aspectos militares, este estudio plantea si los conceptos y políticas de seguridad con fines defensivos pueden constituir una forma de abordar las amenazas y peligros actuales y...

Al concentrarse en los aspectos militares, este estudio plantea si los conceptos y políticas de seguridad con fines defensivos pueden constituir una forma de abordar las amenazas y peligros actuales y...

Software Industry

Current Trends and Implications for Developing Countries

Series: UNIDO General Studies
( Print: December 1993 )

Today, software production is an industry essential for the growth of the economies of developing countries. This publication, along with presenting an overview of the industry, discusses market...

Today, software production is an industry essential for the growth of the economies of developing countries. This publication, along with presenting an overview of the industry, discusses market...

Capacidad de Sudafrica para Fabricar Misiles Balísticos con Ojivas Nucleares, La

Series: Desarme Serie de Estudios
( Print: April 1992 )

'Sudafrica daría una prueba tangible de que está decidida a abandonar la política de intimidación militar que se adhiriera pronto al Tratado sobre la no proliferación de las armas nucleares y...

'Sudafrica daría una prueba tangible de que está decidida a abandonar la política de intimidación militar que se adhiriera pronto al Tratado sobre la no proliferación de las armas nucleares y...

Technical Criteria for the Selection of Woodworking Machines (Book also reads in the second page the...

Series: UNIDO General Studies
( Print: March 1992 )

This technical manual presents information to assist developing countries in the selection of the right type of machinery and equipment for processing forest resources. The areas covered include...

This technical manual presents information to assist developing countries in the selection of the right type of machinery and equipment for processing forest resources. The areas covered include...

Policies for Competition and Competitiveness

Case Study of Industry in Turkey

Series: UNIDO General Studies
( Print: October 1995 )

The uniqueness of Turkey being at the crossroads where east meets west, provides an abundance of issues for research and analysis. The influence of the European economy on industrial development in...

The uniqueness of Turkey being at the crossroads where east meets west, provides an abundance of issues for research and analysis. The influence of the European economy on industrial development in...

Timber Construction for Developing Countries Structural Timber and Related Products

Series: UNIDO General Studies
( Print: July 1995 )

This series of publications serve to illuminate the benefits of timber as a structural material by providing scientific and detailed justification. They illustrate the economic feasibility for the use...

This series of publications serve to illuminate the benefits of timber as a structural material by providing scientific and detailed justification. They illustrate the economic feasibility for the use...

Timber Construction for Developing Countries Strength Characteristics and Design

Series: UNIDO General Studies
( Print: July 1995 )

This series of publications serve to illuminate the benefits of timber as a structural material by providing scientific and detailed justification. They illustrate the economic feasibility for the use...

This series of publications serve to illuminate the benefits of timber as a structural material by providing scientific and detailed justification. They illustrate the economic feasibility for the use...

Timber Construction for Developing Countries Applications and Examples

Series: UNIDO General Studies
( Print: July 1995 )

This series of publications serve to illuminate the benefits of timber as a structural material by providing scientific and detailed justification. They illustrate the economic feasibility for the use...

This series of publications serve to illuminate the benefits of timber as a structural material by providing scientific and detailed justification. They illustrate the economic feasibility for the use...

Timber Construction for Developing Countries Introduction to Wood and Timber Engineering

Series: UNIDO General Studies
( Print: July 1995 )

From 2 to 20 May 1993, lectures were presented at the Timber Engineering Workshop (TEW) which took place in Melbourne, Australia, to present the greater use of timber as a structural material and help...

From 2 to 20 May 1993, lectures were presented at the Timber Engineering Workshop (TEW) which took place in Melbourne, Australia, to present the greater use of timber as a structural material and help...

Timber Construction for Developing Countries Durability and Fire Resistance

Series: UNIDO General Studies
( Print: July 1995 )

This series of publications serve to illuminate the benefits of timber as a structural material by providing scientific and detailed justification. They illustrate the economic feasibility for the use...

This series of publications serve to illuminate the benefits of timber as a structural material by providing scientific and detailed justification. They illustrate the economic feasibility for the use...

Information Sources on the Leather, Footwear and Leather Products Industry

Series: UNIDO General Studies
( Print: October 1996 )

A new and expertly organized publication which provides easy access to existing information sources considered to be of direct practical interest and value to potential users. The data incorporated in...

A new and expertly organized publication which provides easy access to existing information sources considered to be of direct practical interest and value to potential users. The data incorporated in...

Acceptable Quality Standards in the Leather and Footwear Industry

Series: UNIDO General Studies
( Print: July 1996 )

This definitive publication will inform all interested parties, especially those within developing countries, about quality control and about recommendations for acceptable quality levels for leather...

This definitive publication will inform all interested parties, especially those within developing countries, about quality control and about recommendations for acceptable quality levels for leather...