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Sourcebook of Alternative Technologies for Freshwater Augmentation in West Asia

Series: Technical Publication Series
( Print: June 2002 )

The West Asian Region is characterized by its aridity and vast deserts where water evaporates quickly or is absorbed into the soil before it can be properly used or contained. Throughout history...

The West Asian Region is characterized by its aridity and vast deserts where water evaporates quickly or is absorbed into the soil before it can be properly used or contained. Throughout history...


Environmentally Sound Technologies for Wastewater and Stormwater Management

An International Source Book

Series: Technical Publication Series
( Print: June 2002 )

This publication is a sequel to the 'International Source Book on Environmentally Sound Technologies for Municipal Solid Waste Management'. The urgent need for information on how to deal with...

This publication is a sequel to the 'International Source Book on Environmentally Sound Technologies for Municipal Solid Waste Management'. The urgent need for information on how to deal with...

Integrated Waste Management Practices to Protect Freshwater Resources

Case Studies from West Asia, the Mediterranean and the Arab Region

Series: Technical Publication Series
( Print: March 2002 )

The 1999 Inter-Regional Workshop on Technologies for Waste Management was organized in response to the growing needs of cities in West Asia, the Mediterranean and the Arab Region to build their...

The 1999 Inter-Regional Workshop on Technologies for Waste Management was organized in response to the growing needs of cities in West Asia, the Mediterranean and the Arab Region to build their...

Sourcebook of Alternative Technologies for Freshwater Augmentation in Small Island Developing States

Series: Technical Publication Series
( Print: August 1999 )

Freshwater resources have been dwindling over the years, while the demand for high quality water has been steadily increasing. Aimed particularly at water resource planners and managers, this...

Freshwater resources have been dwindling over the years, while the demand for high quality water has been steadily increasing. Aimed particularly at water resource planners and managers, this...

Sourcebook of Alternative Technologies for Freshwater Augmentation in Latin America and the...

Series: Technical Publication Series
( Print: July 1999 )

Freshwater resources have been dwindling over the years, while the demand for high quality water has been steadily increasing. Aimed particularly at water resource planners and managers, this...

Freshwater resources have been dwindling over the years, while the demand for high quality water has been steadily increasing. Aimed particularly at water resource planners and managers, this...

Sourcebook of Alternative Technologies for Freshwater Augmentation in East and Central Europe

Series: Technical Publication Series
( Print: July 1999 )

Freshwater resources have been dwindling over the years, while the demand for high quality water has been steadily increasing. Aimed particularly at water resource planners and managers, this...

Freshwater resources have been dwindling over the years, while the demand for high quality water has been steadily increasing. Aimed particularly at water resource planners and managers, this...

Sourcebook of Alternative Technologies for Freshwater Augmentation in some Asian Countries

Series: Technical Publication Series
( Print: July 1999 )

Freshwater resources have been dwindling over the years, while the demand for high quality water has been steadily increasing. Aimed particularly at water resource planners and managers, this...

Freshwater resources have been dwindling over the years, while the demand for high quality water has been steadily increasing. Aimed particularly at water resource planners and managers, this...

Sourcebook of Alternative Technologies for Freshwater Augmentation in Africa

Series: Technical Publication Series
( Print: July 1999 )

Freshwater resources have been dwindling over the years, while the demand for high quality water has been steadily increasing. Aimed particularly at water resource planners and managers, this...

Freshwater resources have been dwindling over the years, while the demand for high quality water has been steadily increasing. Aimed particularly at water resource planners and managers, this...

Armas Pequeñas

Series: Desarme Serie de Estudios
( Print: July 2000 )

Debido a que se obtienen y utilizan con facilidad, las armas pequeñas y las armas ligeras han constituido los instrumentos de violencia principales o únicos en casi todos los conflictos recientes de...

Debido a que se obtienen y utilizan con facilidad, las armas pequeñas y las armas ligeras han constituido los instrumentos de violencia principales o únicos en casi todos los conflictos recientes de...


Relación entre Desarme y Desarrollo en el Contexto Internacional Contemporáneo, La

Series: Desarme Serie de Estudios
( Print: November 2005 )

En el informe del Grupo de Expertos gubernamentales se reevalúa la relación existente entre desarme y desarrollo, así como el papel de la Organización al respecto, teniendo en cuenta todos los grandes...

En el informe del Grupo de Expertos gubernamentales se reevalúa la relación existente entre desarme y desarrollo, así como el papel de la Organización al respecto, teniendo en cuenta todos los grandes...

Technology Needs for Lake Management in Indonesia Case Studies

Lakes Rawa Danau and Rawa Pening, Java

Series: Technical Publication Series
( Print: July 2000 )

This publication provides a general diagnostic analysis of Rawa Danau and Rawa Penning. It describes and discusses environmentally sound technologies and management practices that are appropriate for...

This publication provides a general diagnostic analysis of Rawa Danau and Rawa Penning. It describes and discusses environmentally sound technologies and management practices that are appropriate for...

Planning and Management of Lakes and Reservoirs

An Integrated Approach to Eutrophication

Series: Technical Publication Series
( Print: July 2000 )

This book is the result of the participation of 26 experts involved with the management of freshwater resources from Africa, Europe, North and South America, Asia and Oceania. Their experiences on the...

This book is the result of the participation of 26 experts involved with the management of freshwater resources from Africa, Europe, North and South America, Asia and Oceania. Their experiences on the...

Planning and Management of Lakes and Reservoirs

An Integrated Approach to Eutrophication - A Student's Guide

Series: Technical Publication Series
( Print: July 2001 )

This publication provides an overview of the problems and possible solutions associated with eutrophication in freshwater lakes and reservoirs. It takes a look at the origins of the problems, their...

This publication provides an overview of the problems and possible solutions associated with eutrophication in freshwater lakes and reservoirs. It takes a look at the origins of the problems, their...

Estudio sobre la Aplicación de Medidas de Fomento de la Confianza en el Espacio Ultraterrestre

Series: Desarme Serie de Estudios
( Print: July 1994 )

Con aproximadamente 300 satélites operacionales en órbita y más de la mitad de ellos en misiones militares, los Estados Miembros son partidarios de una mayor transparencia y de medidas de fomento de...

Con aproximadamente 300 satélites operacionales en órbita y más de la mitad de ellos en misiones militares, los Estados Miembros son partidarios de una mayor transparencia y de medidas de fomento de...

Estudio sobre las Formas y los Medios de Promover la Transparencia en las Transferencias...

Series: Desarme Serie de Estudios
( Print: February 1993 )

Uno de los adelantos significativos de los últimos años ha consistido en apreciar el valor de la transparencia y la apertura en las relaciones entre los Estados. En esta publicación se examinan las...

Uno de los adelantos significativos de los últimos años ha consistido en apreciar el valor de la transparencia y la apertura en las relaciones entre los Estados. En esta publicación se examinan las...

Posible Utilización para la Protección del Medio Ambiente de Recursos Asignados a Actividades...

Series: Desarme Serie de Estudios
( Print: July 1993 )

El mundo apenas comienza a luchar con las consecuencias de dedicar los recursos militares a fines no militares. En esta publicación se examina la posibilidad excepcional que tienen los...

El mundo apenas comienza a luchar con las consecuencias de dedicar los recursos militares a fines no militares. En esta publicación se examina la posibilidad excepcional que tienen los...

Estudio Sobre Conceptos y Políticas de Seguridad con Fines Defensivos

Series: Desarme Serie de Estudios
( Print: October 1993 )

Al concentrarse en los aspectos militares, este estudio plantea si los conceptos y políticas de seguridad con fines defensivos pueden constituir una forma de abordar las amenazas y peligros actuales y...

Al concentrarse en los aspectos militares, este estudio plantea si los conceptos y políticas de seguridad con fines defensivos pueden constituir una forma de abordar las amenazas y peligros actuales y...

Capacidad de Sudafrica para Fabricar Misiles Balísticos con Ojivas Nucleares, La

Series: Desarme Serie de Estudios
( Print: April 1992 )

'Sudafrica daría una prueba tangible de que está decidida a abandonar la política de intimidación militar que se adhiriera pronto al Tratado sobre la no proliferación de las armas nucleares y...

'Sudafrica daría una prueba tangible de que está decidida a abandonar la política de intimidación militar que se adhiriera pronto al Tratado sobre la no proliferación de las armas nucleares y...

Technical Workbook on Environmental Management Tools for Decision Analysis

Technical Reference and Workbook

Series: Technical Publication Series
( Print: December 2000 )

A recurrent subject of discussion is the need for integrating environmental considerations in making decisions that have impact on development, whether at the national, industrial or community level...

A recurrent subject of discussion is the need for integrating environmental considerations in making decisions that have impact on development, whether at the national, industrial or community level...

Environmental Risk Assessment for Sustainable Cities

Series: Technical Publication Series
( Print: February 1997 )

This unique publication provides important background information on environmental risk assessments to acquaint all managers and planners with the process and to develop an integrated approach that...

This unique publication provides important background information on environmental risk assessments to acquaint all managers and planners with the process and to develop an integrated approach that...