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Armas Pequeñas

Series: Desarme Serie de Estudios
( Print: July 2000 )

Debido a que se obtienen y utilizan con facilidad, las armas pequeñas y las armas ligeras han constituido los instrumentos de violencia principales o únicos en casi todos los conflictos recientes de...

Debido a que se obtienen y utilizan con facilidad, las armas pequeñas y las armas ligeras han constituido los instrumentos de violencia principales o únicos en casi todos los conflictos recientes de...

Policy Effectiveness and Multilateral Environmental Agreements

Series: Environment and Trade
( Print: May 2001 )

This study examines the issue of how to measure the effectiveness of Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) within the context of recent trade and environment discussions. The three MEAs...

This study examines the issue of how to measure the effectiveness of Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) within the context of recent trade and environment discussions. The three MEAs...

Fisheries Subsidies Overfishing and Trade

Series: Environment and Trade
( Print: August 2000 )

This publication provides an analytical framework for international consideration of the issue on fisheries subsidies, trade and the environment. It views natural resource subsidies in economic theory...

This publication provides an analytical framework for international consideration of the issue on fisheries subsidies, trade and the environment. It views natural resource subsidies in economic theory...

Global Product Chains

Northern Consumers, Southern Producers, and Sustainability

Series: Environment and Trade
( Print: August 2000 )

Growing international trade has made the economies of nations inter-dependent and this has had, among other things, implications for environmental policy. Global Product Chains is a helpful instrument...

Growing international trade has made the economies of nations inter-dependent and this has had, among other things, implications for environmental policy. Global Product Chains is a helpful instrument...

Trade Related Environmental Measures in the Field of Safety in Biotechnology

Series: Environment and Trade
( Print: August 2000 )

This publication illustrates how safety requirements in the field of biotechnology can sometimes take the form of trade measures when they create a restriction on trade to protect the environment and...

This publication illustrates how safety requirements in the field of biotechnology can sometimes take the form of trade measures when they create a restriction on trade to protect the environment and...

Criteria in Environmental Labelling

A Comparative Analysis of Environmental Criteria in Selected Labelling Schemes

Series: Environment and Trade
( Print: August 2000 )

This publication provides information on the environmental characteristics of three products: paper, laundry detergents, and textiles. It gives an overview of environmental criteria in each of the...

This publication provides information on the environmental characteristics of three products: paper, laundry detergents, and textiles. It gives an overview of environmental criteria in each of the...


Relación entre Desarme y Desarrollo en el Contexto Internacional Contemporáneo, La

Series: Desarme Serie de Estudios
( Print: November 2005 )

En el informe del Grupo de Expertos gubernamentales se reevalúa la relación existente entre desarme y desarrollo, así como el papel de la Organización al respecto, teniendo en cuenta todos los grandes...

En el informe del Grupo de Expertos gubernamentales se reevalúa la relación existente entre desarme y desarrollo, así como el papel de la Organización al respecto, teniendo en cuenta todos los grandes...

Estudio sobre la Aplicación de Medidas de Fomento de la Confianza en el Espacio Ultraterrestre

Series: Desarme Serie de Estudios
( Print: July 1994 )

Con aproximadamente 300 satélites operacionales en órbita y más de la mitad de ellos en misiones militares, los Estados Miembros son partidarios de una mayor transparencia y de medidas de fomento de...

Con aproximadamente 300 satélites operacionales en órbita y más de la mitad de ellos en misiones militares, los Estados Miembros son partidarios de una mayor transparencia y de medidas de fomento de...

Estudio sobre las Formas y los Medios de Promover la Transparencia en las Transferencias...

Series: Desarme Serie de Estudios
( Print: February 1993 )

Uno de los adelantos significativos de los últimos años ha consistido en apreciar el valor de la transparencia y la apertura en las relaciones entre los Estados. En esta publicación se examinan las...

Uno de los adelantos significativos de los últimos años ha consistido en apreciar el valor de la transparencia y la apertura en las relaciones entre los Estados. En esta publicación se examinan las...

Posible Utilización para la Protección del Medio Ambiente de Recursos Asignados a Actividades...

Series: Desarme Serie de Estudios
( Print: July 1993 )

El mundo apenas comienza a luchar con las consecuencias de dedicar los recursos militares a fines no militares. En esta publicación se examina la posibilidad excepcional que tienen los...

El mundo apenas comienza a luchar con las consecuencias de dedicar los recursos militares a fines no militares. En esta publicación se examina la posibilidad excepcional que tienen los...

Estudio Sobre Conceptos y Políticas de Seguridad con Fines Defensivos

Series: Desarme Serie de Estudios
( Print: October 1993 )

Al concentrarse en los aspectos militares, este estudio plantea si los conceptos y políticas de seguridad con fines defensivos pueden constituir una forma de abordar las amenazas y peligros actuales y...

Al concentrarse en los aspectos militares, este estudio plantea si los conceptos y políticas de seguridad con fines defensivos pueden constituir una forma de abordar las amenazas y peligros actuales y...

Capacidad de Sudafrica para Fabricar Misiles Balísticos con Ojivas Nucleares, La

Series: Desarme Serie de Estudios
( Print: April 1992 )

'Sudafrica daría una prueba tangible de que está decidida a abandonar la política de intimidación militar que se adhiriera pronto al Tratado sobre la no proliferación de las armas nucleares y...

'Sudafrica daría una prueba tangible de que está decidida a abandonar la política de intimidación militar que se adhiriera pronto al Tratado sobre la no proliferación de las armas nucleares y...

Science, Risk Analysis and Environmental Policy Decisions

Series: Environment and Trade
( Print: August 1995 )

Below the grand structural framework of anlyses there is an enormous amount which can be and is being done in the formalization and harmonization of tests, decision making procedures and the use and...

Below the grand structural framework of anlyses there is an enormous amount which can be and is being done in the formalization and harmonization of tests, decision making procedures and the use and...

Protecting the Ozone Layer Through Trade Measures

Reconciling the Trade Provisions of the Montreal Protocol and the Rules of the GATT

Series: Environment and Trade
( Print: August 1995 )

This paper provides an overview of the history of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, examines the necessity and effectiveness of the Protocol's trade measures and...

This paper provides an overview of the history of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, examines the necessity and effectiveness of the Protocol's trade measures and...

Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes at the Interface of Environment and Trade

Series: Environment and Trade
( Print: August 1995 )

In 1989, environmental concerns led to the adoption of the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal. This publication outlines some of the...

In 1989, environmental concerns led to the adoption of the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal. This publication outlines some of the...

Role of Science in the Uruguay Round and NAFTA Trade Disciplines, The

Series: Environment and Trade
( Print: August 1995 )

The author, David A. Wirth, examines the increasingly important role of science in the structure and operation of international trade agreements. This paper analyzes and summarizes the relevant texts...

The author, David A. Wirth, examines the increasingly important role of science in the structure and operation of international trade agreements. This paper analyzes and summarizes the relevant texts...

Institutional Mechanisms Supporting Trade in Genetic Materials

Issues Under the Bio-diversity Convention and GATT/TRIPs

Series: Environment and Trade
( Print: August 1995 )

One of the complexities of discussing and working with genetic materials is their multiple forms each of which requires a different approach. This publication discusses the issues of biodiversity...

One of the complexities of discussing and working with genetic materials is their multiple forms each of which requires a different approach. This publication discusses the issues of biodiversity...