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Armas Pequeñas

Series: Desarme Serie de Estudios
( Print: July 2000 )

Debido a que se obtienen y utilizan con facilidad, las armas pequeñas y las armas ligeras han constituido los instrumentos de violencia principales o únicos en casi todos los conflictos recientes de...

Debido a que se obtienen y utilizan con facilidad, las armas pequeñas y las armas ligeras han constituido los instrumentos de violencia principales o únicos en casi todos los conflictos recientes de...

Estudio sobre la Aplicación de Medidas de Fomento de la Confianza en el Espacio Ultraterrestre

Series: Desarme Serie de Estudios
( Print: July 1994 )

Con aproximadamente 300 satélites operacionales en órbita y más de la mitad de ellos en misiones militares, los Estados Miembros son partidarios de una mayor transparencia y de medidas de fomento de...

Con aproximadamente 300 satélites operacionales en órbita y más de la mitad de ellos en misiones militares, los Estados Miembros son partidarios de una mayor transparencia y de medidas de fomento de...

Estudio sobre las Formas y los Medios de Promover la Transparencia en las Transferencias...

Series: Desarme Serie de Estudios
( Print: February 1993 )

Uno de los adelantos significativos de los últimos años ha consistido en apreciar el valor de la transparencia y la apertura en las relaciones entre los Estados. En esta publicación se examinan las...

Uno de los adelantos significativos de los últimos años ha consistido en apreciar el valor de la transparencia y la apertura en las relaciones entre los Estados. En esta publicación se examinan las...

Posible Utilización para la Protección del Medio Ambiente de Recursos Asignados a Actividades...

Series: Desarme Serie de Estudios
( Print: July 1993 )

El mundo apenas comienza a luchar con las consecuencias de dedicar los recursos militares a fines no militares. En esta publicación se examina la posibilidad excepcional que tienen los...

El mundo apenas comienza a luchar con las consecuencias de dedicar los recursos militares a fines no militares. En esta publicación se examina la posibilidad excepcional que tienen los...

Estudio Sobre Conceptos y Políticas de Seguridad con Fines Defensivos

Series: Desarme Serie de Estudios
( Print: October 1993 )

Al concentrarse en los aspectos militares, este estudio plantea si los conceptos y políticas de seguridad con fines defensivos pueden constituir una forma de abordar las amenazas y peligros actuales y...

Al concentrarse en los aspectos militares, este estudio plantea si los conceptos y políticas de seguridad con fines defensivos pueden constituir una forma de abordar las amenazas y peligros actuales y...

Capacidad de Sudafrica para Fabricar Misiles Balísticos con Ojivas Nucleares, La

Series: Desarme Serie de Estudios
( Print: April 1992 )

'Sudafrica daría una prueba tangible de que está decidida a abandonar la política de intimidación militar que se adhiriera pronto al Tratado sobre la no proliferación de las armas nucleares y...

'Sudafrica daría una prueba tangible de que está decidida a abandonar la política de intimidación militar que se adhiriera pronto al Tratado sobre la no proliferación de las armas nucleares y...

United Nations and Apartheid, The (Arabic language)

Series: Permanent Missions to the United Nations
( Print: September 1995 )

This landmark publication chronicles the central role played by the United Nations in supporting the struggle against apartheid in South Africa. In an extensive introduction former United Nations...

This landmark publication chronicles the central role played by the United Nations in supporting the struggle against apartheid in South Africa. In an extensive introduction former United Nations...

United Nations and Apartheid 1948-1994

Series: Permanent Missions to the United Nations
( Print: December 1994, PDF: July 2010 )

This landmark publication chronicles the central role played by the United Nations in supporting the struggle against apartheid in South Africa. In an extensive introduction, United Nations Secretary...

This landmark publication chronicles the central role played by the United Nations in supporting the struggle against apartheid in South Africa. In an extensive introduction, United Nations Secretary...

United Nations and Cambodia 1991-1995, The

Series: Permanent Missions to the United Nations
( Print: January 1995 )

This essential reference work chronicles the central role played by the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC) in that country's struggle to democracy. In an extensive introduction...

This essential reference work chronicles the central role played by the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC) in that country's struggle to democracy. In an extensive introduction...

United Nations and El Salvador 1990-1995, The

Series: Permanent Missions to the United Nations
( Print: March 1995 )

The United Nations played a central role in the Salvadorian peace process, combining peacemaking, peace-keeping and especially post-conflict peace-building. The United Nations and El Salvador, 1990...

The United Nations played a central role in the Salvadorian peace process, combining peacemaking, peace-keeping and especially post-conflict peace-building. The United Nations and El Salvador, 1990...

United Nations and Nuclear Non-Proliferation, The

Series: Permanent Missions to the United Nations
( Print: March 1995 )

The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty represents the cornerstone of efforts by the international community to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons while ensuring that the benefits of nuclear...

The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty represents the cornerstone of efforts by the international community to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons while ensuring that the benefits of nuclear...

United Nations and Mozambique 1992-1995, The

Series: Permanent Missions to the United Nations
( Print: June 1995 )

This essential reference work offers a comprehensive account of one of the most innovative, multifaceted and successful operations ever undertaken by the United Nations - the United Nations Operation...

This essential reference work offers a comprehensive account of one of the most innovative, multifaceted and successful operations ever undertaken by the United Nations - the United Nations Operation...

United Nations and Human Rights 1945-1995, The

Series: Permanent Missions to the United Nations
( Print: October 1995 )

Building on the principles of its Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations has sought since 1945 to promote, protect and to create a culture of human rights throughout...

Building on the principles of its Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations has sought since 1945 to promote, protect and to create a culture of human rights throughout...

United Nations and Rwanda 1993-1996, The

Series: Permanent Missions to the United Nations
( Print: July 1996 )

The horrific events, particularly the genocide, that occurred in Rwanda in 1994 presented the international community with challenges of unprecedented scale and consequence. The United Nations and...

The horrific events, particularly the genocide, that occurred in Rwanda in 1994 presented the international community with challenges of unprecedented scale and consequence. The United Nations and...

United Nations and the Advancement of Women 1945-1995, The

Series: Permanent Missions to the United Nations
( Print: August 1995 )

This comprehensive reference work chronicles the ground-breaking efforts of the United Nations in promoting recognition of women's fundamental human rights, codifying those rights in legally binding...

This comprehensive reference work chronicles the ground-breaking efforts of the United Nations in promoting recognition of women's fundamental human rights, codifying those rights in legally binding...

United Nations and Iraq-Kuwait 1990-1996, The (Arabic language)

Series: Permanent Missions to the United Nations
( Print: July 1996 )

United Nations and the Iraq-Kuwait Conflict 1990-1996, The

Series: Permanent Missions to the United Nations
( Print: February 1996 )

The response of the United Nations and its Member States to the August 1990 invasion of Kuwait by Iraq, highlighted the extraordinary strengths of the Organization and its capacity to act decisively...

The response of the United Nations and its Member States to the August 1990 invasion of Kuwait by Iraq, highlighted the extraordinary strengths of the Organization and its capacity to act decisively...

United Nations and Somalia 1992-1996, The

Series: Permanent Missions to the United Nations
( Print: January 1996 )

The civil war, the consequent famine and the collapse of governmental authority in Somalia led to a United Nations operation in Somalia with no precedent in the history of the Organization. This...

The civil war, the consequent famine and the collapse of governmental authority in Somalia led to a United Nations operation in Somalia with no precedent in the history of the Organization. This...

United Nations and the Advancement of Women 1945-1996, The

Series: Permanent Missions to the United Nations
( Print: April 1996 )

Throughout its first half century, the United Nations has served as a catalyst for the global advancement of women. Working to promote the principles of gender equality and non-discrimination...

Throughout its first half century, the United Nations has served as a catalyst for the global advancement of women. Working to promote the principles of gender equality and non-discrimination...

United Nations and the Independence of Eritrea, The

Series: Permanent Missions to the United Nations
( Print: December 1996 )

When Eritreans went to the polls in April 1993, their overwhelming vote in favour of becoming a sovereign State brought a formal end to one of Africa's longest wars. A major success for United Nations...

When Eritreans went to the polls in April 1993, their overwhelming vote in favour of becoming a sovereign State brought a formal end to one of Africa's longest wars. A major success for United Nations...