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Clasificaciones Estadísticas Internacionales Incorporadas en el Banco de Datos del Comercio Exterior...

Series: Cuadernos Estadísticos de la CEPAL
( Print: November 1998 )

El propósito de esta publicación destinada a los usuarios y productores de información sobre el comercio internacional de bienes transportables, es dar a conocer los cambios introducidos en el Sistema...

El propósito de esta publicación destinada a los usuarios y productores de información sobre el comercio internacional de bienes transportables, es dar a conocer los cambios introducidos en el Sistema...

América Latina y el Caribe

Series Estadísticas sobre Comercio de Servicios 1980-1997

Series: Cuadernos Estadísticos de la CEPAL
( Print: November 1998 )

La CEPAL en su calidad de miembro del Comité Tripartito de apoyo al proceso de negociaciones relativas al Area de Libre Comercio de las Américas (ALCA), pone el presente documento a disposición de los...

La CEPAL en su calidad de miembro del Comité Tripartito de apoyo al proceso de negociaciones relativas al Area de Libre Comercio de las Américas (ALCA), pone el presente documento a disposición de los...

Structural Changes in Consumption and Trade in Steel

Series: ECE Steel Series
( Print: May 1995 )

With the dramatic political and economic changes in the 1980s, the world steel industry faced a challenging period. Moreover, the steel industry itself brought about an internal evolution through...

With the dramatic political and economic changes in the 1980s, the world steel industry faced a challenging period. Moreover, the steel industry itself brought about an internal evolution through...

Impact of Developments in Scrap Reclamation and Preparation on the World Steel Industry

Series: ECE Steel Series
( Print: February 1994 )

One of the conclusions in this study is that the growth of scrap collection offsets the substantial decline in scrap reproduced and recycled in steel works. This was based on a look at the situation...

One of the conclusions in this study is that the growth of scrap collection offsets the substantial decline in scrap reproduced and recycled in steel works. This was based on a look at the situation...

América Latina

Comercio Exterior según la Clasificación Industrial Internacional Uniforme de todas las Actividades...

Series: Cuadernos Estadísticos de la CEPAL
( Print: December 1993 )

América Latina

Comercio Exterior según la Clasificación Industrial Internacional Uniforme de todas las Actividades...

Series: Cuadernos Estadísticos de la CEPAL
( Print: December 1993 )

America Latina y el Caribe

Series Regionales de Cuentas Nacionales a Precios Constantes

Series: Cuadernos Estadísticos de la CEPAL
( Print: October 1991 )

Origen y Destino del Comercio Exterior de los Países de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Integración...

Series: Cuadernos Estadísticos de la CEPAL
( Print: October 1991 )

Las estadísticas de este cuaderno provienen del Banco de Datos del Comercio Exterior de América Latina y el Caribe (BADECEL), de la División de Estadística y Proyecciones de la CEPAL. Han sido...

Las estadísticas de este cuaderno provienen del Banco de Datos del Comercio Exterior de América Latina y el Caribe (BADECEL), de la División de Estadística y Proyecciones de la CEPAL. Han sido...

Iron and Steel Scrap

Series: ECE Steel Series
( Print: February 1992 )

The focus on this statistical update is on the significance and influence of scrap metal in the iron and steel industries. The study presented is basically made up of statistical tables with short...

The focus on this statistical update is on the significance and influence of scrap metal in the iron and steel industries. The study presented is basically made up of statistical tables with short...

Steel Product Quality and Maximum Utilization of Scrap

Series: ECE Steel Series
( Print: March 1993 )

This study is a definitive reference for everyone in the steel-making industry in the industrialized countries. General considerations about steel and scrap quality such as clean steels...

This study is a definitive reference for everyone in the steel-making industry in the industrialized countries. General considerations about steel and scrap quality such as clean steels...

Estructura del Gasto de Consumo de los Hogares en América Latina

Series: Cuadernos Estadísticos de la CEPAL
( Print: September 1995 )

Iron and Steel Scrap

Series: ECE Steel Series
( Print: March 1996 )

The focus on this statistical update is on the significance and influence of scrap metal in the iron and steel industries. The study presented is basically made up of statistical tables with short...

The focus on this statistical update is on the significance and influence of scrap metal in the iron and steel industries. The study presented is basically made up of statistical tables with short...

América Latina y el Caribe

Dirección del Comercio Exterior de los Principales Productos Alimenticios y Agrícolas según Países...

Series: Cuadernos Estadísticos de la CEPAL
( Print: November 1995 )

Privatization and Changing Ownership in the Steel Industry

Series: ECE Steel Series
( Print: January 1997 )

A new study which has collected information on the progress privatization has made in several transition countries and shows the latest developments on the most detailed level possible. In order to...

A new study which has collected information on the progress privatization has made in several transition countries and shows the latest developments on the most detailed level possible. In order to...

América Latina y el Caribe

Series Regionales y Oficiales de Cuentas Nacionales

Series: Cuadernos Estadísticos de la CEPAL
( Print: January 1997 )


Comercio Exterior según Grupos de la Clasificación Uniforme para el Comercio Internacional y Países...

Series: Cuadernos Estadísticos de la CEPAL
( Print: June 1997 )

Restructuring of the Iron and Steel Industry

Impact of New Technologies

Series: ECE Steel Series
( Print: August 1997 )

The focus of this study is the analysis of electric arc furnace (EAF) and thin slab caster-based mini mills for flat steel production. In conjunction with an overview of new technologies, the study...

The focus of this study is the analysis of electric arc furnace (EAF) and thin slab caster-based mini mills for flat steel production. In conjunction with an overview of new technologies, the study...