67 items

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Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions

These are the reports on the Proposed Programme Budget for the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions as submitted to the General Assembly.

Annual Report of the Economic Commission for Africa

These are the official records of the annual reports of the Economic Commission for Africa.

Annual Report of the Economic Commission for Europe

The Annual Report of the Economic Commission for Europe monitors regional progress, provides cutting-edge analyses and guides policy discussion on the current and emerging socio-economic issues and policy challenges to support inclusive and sustainable development in the region. It focuses on significant aspects or challenges relevant to the economies of the European region.

Asia-Pacific Sustainable Development Goals Progress Report

Asia-Pacific Sustainable Development Goals Progress Report (previously known as Asia-Pacific Sustainable Development Goals Indicator-Based Progress Report) analyses Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) trends as well as availability of data for monitoring the progress in Asia and the Pacific and its sub-regions. It identifies areas that need collective decisions for prioritizing acceleration or changing the trend with the main purpose to inform decisions at regional forums such as Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development (APFSD) and Asia-Pacific Commission. It also provides an effective communication tool that fosters inclusive regional consultations and effective engagement of the stakeholders including media and civil society. The analysis utilizes cross-nationally comparable data from ESCAP database for the global SDGs indicator framework and when necessary supplementary statistics available at the regional and sub-regional levels. The series is the continuation of the Statistical Yearbook for Asia and the Pacific.

Index to Proceedings of the Economic and Social Council

The Index to Proceedings is a powerful tool which provides a window into the annual meetings of the main UN organs. The publication is comprised of a subject index to all the documents issued by the body in question during a particular session/year and an index to speeches delivered before the forum in question during a particular session/year.

Index to Proceedings of the General Assembly

The Index to Proceedings is a powerful tool which provides a window into the annual meetings of the main UN organs. The publication is comprised of a subject index to all the documents issued by the body in question during a particular session/year and an index to speeches delivered before the forum in question during a particular session/year. 

Index to Proceedings of the Security Council

The Index to Proceedings is a powerful tool which provides a window into the annual meetings of the main UN organs. The publication is comprised of a subject index to all the documents issued by the body in question during a particular session/year and an index to speeches delivered before the forum in question during a particular session/year. 

La série des Notes de politique d’ONU Femmes

La série de Notes de politique d’ONU Femmes offre, sous un format accessible, une synthèse de résultats de recherche, d’analyses et de recommandations sur des domaines clés des politiques relatives à l’égalité des sexes et aux droits des femmes. Elle vise à combler le fossé qui existe entre la recherche et la politique en identifiant les questions qui appellent à une attention urgente et en proposant des mesures susceptibles de les résoudre. Cette série est le fruit d’une collaboration entre la Division de politique d’ONU Femmes et la Section des recherches et données, qui en a assuré la coordination. Afin de garantir la qualité et la pertinence de son contenu, chacune de ces Notes est passée par un processus d’examen interne et par une revue externe assurée des pairs. Concis et pertinents, ces documents d’orientation politique représentent des ressources utiles pour les défenseuses et défenseurs de l’égalité des sexes, pour des représentantes et représentants de la société civile et pour les autres intervenantes et intervenants œuvrant à la réalisation de l’égalité des sexes et aux droits des femmes.