73 items

Index to Proceedings of the Economic and Social Council

The Index to Proceedings is a powerful tool which provides a window into the annual meetings of the main UN organs. The publication is comprised of a subject index to all the documents issued by the body in question during a particular session/year and an index to speeches delivered before the forum in question during a particular session/year.

Index to Proceedings of the General Assembly

The Index to Proceedings is a powerful tool which provides a window into the annual meetings of the main UN organs. The publication is comprised of a subject index to all the documents issued by the body in question during a particular session/year and an index to speeches delivered before the forum in question during a particular session/year. 

Index to Proceedings of the Security Council

The Index to Proceedings is a powerful tool which provides a window into the annual meetings of the main UN organs. The publication is comprised of a subject index to all the documents issued by the body in question during a particular session/year and an index to speeches delivered before the forum in question during a particular session/year. 

Official Records (United Nations Economic and Social Council)

The Official Records of the Committee of Experts on Public Administration contain the conclusions and recommendations of the said Committee concerning various issues pertaining to public administration, policies, experiences, and best practises throughout the world. The Committee is composed of 24 experts acting in their own independent capacity who are mandated for a period of four years. The Committee reports to ECOSOC, one of the principal organs of the United Nations.

Official Records (United Nations General Assembly)

The General Assembly Official Records (GAOR) consist of meeting records of the Plenary and Main Committees. The GAOR also comprise supplements, including reports of the other principal organs of the United Nations; reports of subsidiary bodies; resolutions and decisions of the General Assembly; annexes, and selected documents organized by agenda item. For each session of the General Assembly, resolutions and decisions are compiled and issued as a supplement to the General Assembly Official Records.

Permanent Missions to the United Nations

Permanent Missions to the United Nations lists the names, addresses, e-mail and phone numbers of all representatives to the United Nations. Published once a year, this publication is produced by the Protocol and Liaison Service of the United Nations and is released in English.

Professional Training Series in Human Rights

Training and Educational materials consist of guides, manuals and handbooks for indigenous peoples, minorities, professional groups (e.g. police, prison officials, judges, parliamentarians, human rights monitors, election monitors and social workers) and educational institutions.
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Programa mundial para la educación en derechos humanos

El 10 de diciembre de 2004, la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas proclamó el Programa Mundial para la Educación en Derechos Humanos (2005 en adelante) para avanzar en la implementación de programas de educación en derechos humanos. El Programa Mundial fue establecido mediante la resolución 59/113 de la Asamblea General (10 de diciembre de 2004). Basándose en los logros de la Década de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación en Derechos Humanos (1995-2004), el Programa Mundial busca promover una comprensión común de los principios básicos y metodologías de la educación en derechos humanos, proporcionar un marco concreto para la acción y fortalecer las asociaciones y la cooperación desde el nivel internacional hasta las bases. A diferencia del marco temporal específico de la Década, el Programa Mundial está estructurado en fases consecutivas, para enfocar aún más los esfuerzos nacionales de educación en derechos humanos en temas específicos.

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Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Indian Ocean

These are the official records submitted biennially to the United Nations General Assembly on the Ad Hoc Committee on the Indian Ocean.