17 items

Civil Society and Disarmament

The Office for Disarmament Affairs publishes the series entitled "Civil Society and Disarmament" within the context of the General Assembly resolutions on the United Nations Disarmament Information Programme and the United Nations Study on Disarmament and Non-proliferation Education. The publication provides a forum for the views of civil society in order to further an informed debate on topical issues of arms limitation, disarmament and security.

Country Profiles on Housing and Land Management

The Country Profile reports contain in-depth analysis of housing, urban development and land management sectors while focusing on specific challenges or achievements in these sectors. These include housing provision and affordability; management and maintenance of the housing stock; energy efficiency in housing; disaster risk mitigation; urbanization; housing finance; and the legal and institutional framework. The reports also lay out sets of policy recommendations to help in meeting these challenges.

Disarmament Study Series

The Disarmament Study Series is a publication that highlights United Nations General Assembly studies in the field of disarmament undertaken by groups of governmental experts.

Disarmament: A Basic Guide

International peace and security - and therefore disarmament - stand at the core of the UN mandate. The publications in this series are designed to inform, educate and generate public understanding of the importance of multilateral action, and to rally support for it, in the field of arms limitation and disarmament. Intended primarily for the general reader, the basic guides may also be useful for the disarmament educator or trainer. They are published by the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs in collaboration with the NGO (non-governmental organizations) Committee on Disarmament, Peace and Security pursuant to the purposes of the United Nations Disarmament Information Programme.

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Energy Balances and Electricity Profiles / Bilans Energtiques et Profils du Secteur de Llectricit (Ser. W)

This series is a source of overall consumption statistics of energy commodities in all sectors and provides detailed information on production, trade and consumption of electricity, net installed capacity and thermal power plant input and efficiency for selected countries. It provides energy balances for a specific number of developing countries, showing production, trade, conversion and consumption in energy units for all energy products. It also contains electricity profiles for a specific number of countries, providing detailed information on production, trade and consumption of electricity, net installed capacity and thermal power plant input for selected developing and developed countries.

ESCWA Series on Water Development

This series aims to enhance the application of integrated water resources management (IWRM) concepts in the region, with the explicit objectives to: (a) provide regional water practitioners and decision makers with concise, but comprehensive reports on specific topics related to the sustainable management of available water resources; (b) establish an authoritative basis for managing the available resources; and (c) secure potential input of updated information and data on the ESCWA region to the United Nations WWDR series.

Global Report on Human Settlements

The Global Report on Human Settlements is a biennial flagship published by UN-Habitat, the United Nations programme working towards a better urban future. With a mission to promote socially and environmentally sustainable human settlements development and the achievement of adequate shelter for all, this series covers topics such as urban mobility, urban planning practices and approaches, financing urban shelters, the challenges of slum areas, climate change, and so much more. Now merged with the State of the World Cities to produce The World Cities Report, the 2013 edition which focuses on sustainable urban mobility is the last of the series.

Making Cities Resilient Report

This periodical covers cities' and local governments' efforts to protect their cities and make them safer and productive places to live and work. With more that half of the world's population living in urban areas, building resilience to natural hazards has become a pressing challenge that cannot be ignored. Recognition of the inextricable links among disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation and sustainable development reveals the critical challenges that still remain. This periodical covers the various ways in which UNISDR and its global partners tackle these challenges.