9 items

African Governance Report

The African Governance Report is a biannual publication, which assesses and monitors progress towards good governance in African countries. It assesses the perception on governance by households and experts at the country level.

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Energy Balances and Electricity Profiles / Bilans Energtiques et Profils du Secteur de Llectricit (Ser. W)

This series is a source of overall consumption statistics of energy commodities in all sectors and provides detailed information on production, trade and consumption of electricity, net installed capacity and thermal power plant input and efficiency for selected countries. It provides energy balances for a specific number of developing countries, showing production, trade, conversion and consumption in energy units for all energy products. It also contains electricity profiles for a specific number of countries, providing detailed information on production, trade and consumption of electricity, net installed capacity and thermal power plant input for selected developing and developed countries.

ESCWA Series on Water Development

This series aims to enhance the application of integrated water resources management (IWRM) concepts in the region, with the explicit objectives to: (a) provide regional water practitioners and decision makers with concise, but comprehensive reports on specific topics related to the sustainable management of available water resources; (b) establish an authoritative basis for managing the available resources; and (c) secure potential input of updated information and data on the ESCWA region to the United Nations WWDR series.

Highlights in Space

This series is compiled by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF) in cooperation with the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space.

The United Nations World Water Development Report

These reports annually focus on multiple strategic water issues. They aim to provide decision-makers with tools to implement sustainable use of our water resources. They include various regional aspects, hotspots, examples and stories, which make them relevant to a broad range of readers in various regions of the world. The reports were originally triennial and the first four editions were launched in conjunction with the World Water Forum in 2003, 2006, 2009 and 2012. Over time, the reports became increasingly facts-based and acquired a more specific thematic focus.

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United Nations E-Government Survey

The United Nations E-Government Survey is produced every two years by the Department of Economic and Social Affairs. It is the only report in the world that assesses the e-government development status of all United Nations Member States. It serves as a tool for decision-makers to identify their areas of strength and challenges in e-government and to guide e-government policies and strategies. The publication also highlights emerging e-government trends, issues and innovative practices, as well as challenges and opportunities of e-government development. Each chapter provides an analysis of the Survey’s data, as well as highlights strategies, challenges and opportunities so as to provide policy options. The Survey is intended for government officials, academics, intergovernmental institutions, civil society organisations, the private sector and citizens at large. 

World e-Parliament Report

The World e-Parliament Reports, prepared by the UN/IPU Global Centre for ICT in Parliament, intend to help legislatures to harness the potential benefits of ICT for their work and establish key goals and priorities for exploiting this valuable resource. While providing evidence of the complexities of e-parliament, the Reports suggest ways to overcome some of the obstacles to the effective use of technology in parliamentary settings. 

World Public Sector Report

The World Public Sector Report, one of UNDESA’s Flagship Reports, aims to capture the emerging issues, concerns and innovations in governance and public administration, especially those that contribute to the realization of the UN Development Agenda including the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The World Public Sector Report is intended for policy makers, practitioners and civil society, particularly in developing countries and transition economies.