24 items

ECLAC COVID-19 Reports

The ECLAC COVID-19 reports are a collection of sectoral briefings on the impacts and challenges of the current coronavirus pandemic in the Latin America and the Caribbean region.

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ECLAC COVID-19 Special Report

The ECLAC COVID-19 special reports are a collection of sectoral briefings on the impacts and challenges of the current coronavirus pandemic in the Latin America and the Caribbean region.

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Etudes de Genève sur le Bois et la Forêt

Les documents d'étude sur le bois et les forêts englobent la gestion durable des forêts ainsi que l'utilisation rationnelle et légale des produits forestiers pour les matières premières et l'énergie, et les services forestiers. L'objectif est d'aider les pays membres de la manière suivante : fournir la meilleure information disponible ; faciliter les dialogues politiques et la communication ; et renforcer les capacités. La série est l’aboutissement d'une collaboration entre la Commission économique des Nations Unies pour l'Europe et l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture (FAO).

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Geneva Timber and Forest Discussion Papers

The objective of the Geneva Timber and Forest Discussion Papers is to make available to a wider audience work carried out, usually by national experts, in the course of UNECE/FAO activities.

Geneva Timber and Forest Study Papers

The Timber and Forest Study Papers encompasses sustainable forest management as well as the sound and legal use of forest products, for raw material and energy, and forest services. The objective is to assist member countries by: providing the best available information; facilitating policy dialogues and communication; and building capacity. The series is the product of a collaborative endeavour between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
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La série des Notes de politique d’ONU Femmes

La série de Notes de politique d’ONU Femmes offre, sous un format accessible, une synthèse de résultats de recherche, d’analyses et de recommandations sur des domaines clés des politiques relatives à l’égalité des sexes et aux droits des femmes. Elle vise à combler le fossé qui existe entre la recherche et la politique en identifiant les questions qui appellent à une attention urgente et en proposant des mesures susceptibles de les résoudre. Cette série est le fruit d’une collaboration entre la Division de politique d’ONU Femmes et la Section des recherches et données, qui en a assuré la coordination. Afin de garantir la qualité et la pertinence de son contenu, chacune de ces Notes est passée par un processus d’examen interne et par une revue externe assurée des pairs. Concis et pertinents, ces documents d’orientation politique représentent des ressources utiles pour les défenseuses et défenseurs de l’égalité des sexes, pour des représentantes et représentants de la société civile et pour les autres intervenantes et intervenants œuvrant à la réalisation de l’égalité des sexes et aux droits des femmes.

Progress of the World’s Women

“Progress of the World’s Women” is UN Women’s occasional investigation of progress made towards a world where women live free from violence, poverty and inequality. Provocative and insightful, this series is the product of multi-year processes that bring together leading practitioners and academics to undertake thorough research and in-depth analyses.

Progress on the Sustainable Development Goals

This series presents the latest evidence on gender equality across all 17 Goals, highlighting the progress made since 2015, and focusing on the long road ahead to achieve gender equality. Each edition in this series emphasizes the interlinkages among the goals, the pivotal force gender equality plays in driving progress across the SDGs, and women and girls’ central role in leading the way forward. Women have not recovered lost jobs and income, hunger is on the rise, and school closures threaten girls’ educational gains. Women’s participation in government, research, and resource management remains far from equal. Vulnerable groups of women, including migrants, those with disabilities, and those affected by conflict, are frequently left behind.

Report of the Commission on the Status of Women

The Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) is the principal global intergovernmental body exclusively dedicated to the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women. The CSW is instrumental in promoting women’s rights, documenting the reality of women’s lives throughout the world, and shaping global standards on gender equality and the empowerment of women. During its annual two-week session, representatives of UN Member States, civil society organizations and UN entities gather at UN headquarters in New York to discuss progress and commit to further action. The outcomes and recommendations of each session are forwarded to the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), the Commission’s parent body, for follow-up. This is a collection of the official records of the Report of the Commission on the Status of Women published annually by ECOSOC.