75 items

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Balance Preliminar de las Economías de América Latina y el Caribe

El Balance Preliminar de las Economías de América Latina y el Caribe, uno de los informes anuales más importantes de la CEPAL, analiza el desempeño económico de la región durante el año, el contexto internacional, las políticas macroeconómicas que los países han implementado y entrega perspectivas para el próximo año
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Bulletin of Industrial Statistics in the Arab Region

This Bulletin aims at providing detailed data on industrial statistics for Arab countries to be used for evidence-based analysis and policymaking. Data are drawn primarily from national sources, in addition to other sources whenever needed. Figures based on national sources are jointly compiled and verified by the Arab Industrial Development and Mining Organization and the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia. The publication is meant to be a reference for accurate and reliable data and statistical indicators from national sources covering the entire Arab region. It is designed for use of the public and private sectors, experts and researchers in the field and the regional and international organizations.

Bulletin on Population and Vital Statistics in the Arab Region

The Bulletin on Population and Vital Statistics in the ESCWA Region presents data on population, fertility, mortality, marriages and divorces compiled from a number of national sources, including surveys, censuses and vital registration systems. The objective of this bulletin is to encourage countries to produce and disseminate high quality data on population and vital statistics, which is much needed for better planning. It is also meant to meet the needs of data users, especially researchers, academics and others working in the fields of population, reproductive health and development; it provides them with a thorough and comprehensive picture on population growth and its dynamics.

Derecho del mar boletín

El Boletín del Derecho del Mar es publicado tres veces al año, provee información puntual sobre temas relacionados a la Convención del Derecho del Mar, y contiene los materiales más recientes relevantes a la Convención. Incluye legislaciones nacionales, acuerdos bilaterales y tratados multilaterales, así como, información sobre decisiones de la Corte Internacional de Justicia, tribunales arbitrales y otros procedimientos para la resolución de controversias.

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