7 items

African Governance Report

The African Governance Report is a biannual publication, which assesses and monitors progress towards good governance in African countries. It assesses the perception on governance by households and experts at the country level.

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International Dialogue on Migration

Past decades have witnessed an expansion of inter-governmental and other initiatives to develop joint approaches to migration. IOM's International Dialogue on Migration (IDM) has held a pioneering role in bringing together all migration stakeholders, at a global level, for free and open discussions on the opportunities and challenges which migration presents. The IDM is IOM’s principal forum for migration policy dialogue. Founded in 2001 and rooted in IOM’s Constitution and Strategy, the IDM is open to IOM Member and Observer States, as well as international and non-governmental organizations, migrants, and partners from media, academia or the private sector. The IDM provides a space to analyse current and emerging issues in migration governance and to exchange experiences, policy approaches and effective practices. Every year, the IDM is guided by an overarching theme selected by the IOM membership through a process of informal consultations. The annual theme is elaborated during workshops bringing together migration policymakers and practitioners from around the world. Publications in this series present reports of the sessions and offer readers a compilation of relevant data, evidence, best practices, innovative approaches and recommendations relevant to the implementation of the Global Compact as shared by migration experts, governments and practitioners at those meetings.
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IOM Migration Research Series

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) conducts and supports research designed to guide and inform migration policy and practice. The Migration Research Division (MRD) based in IOM Headquarters within the Department of International Cooperation and Partnerships has the institutional responsibility for overseeing the conduct and management of applied research on "mainstream" migration sectors and migration policy issues to enhance IOM's programme delivery and to enable IOM to serve as the primary reference point on migration, and for the preparation of IOM's flagship publication the World Migration Report, other reports published in its Migration Research Series, International Migration Journal and Migration Profiles.

IOM World Migration Report

The World Migration Report, IOM's flagship publication, features the latest trends in international migration, discusses emerging policy issues and provides regional recent developments in Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe, the Middle East and Oceania.

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United Nations E-Government Survey

The United Nations E-Government Survey is produced every two years by the Department of Economic and Social Affairs. It is the only report in the world that assesses the e-government development status of all United Nations Member States. It serves as a tool for decision-makers to identify their areas of strength and challenges in e-government and to guide e-government policies and strategies. The publication also highlights emerging e-government trends, issues and innovative practices, as well as challenges and opportunities of e-government development. Each chapter provides an analysis of the Survey’s data, as well as highlights strategies, challenges and opportunities so as to provide policy options. The Survey is intended for government officials, academics, intergovernmental institutions, civil society organisations, the private sector and citizens at large. 

World e-Parliament Report

The World e-Parliament Reports, prepared by the UN/IPU Global Centre for ICT in Parliament, intend to help legislatures to harness the potential benefits of ICT for their work and establish key goals and priorities for exploiting this valuable resource. While providing evidence of the complexities of e-parliament, the Reports suggest ways to overcome some of the obstacles to the effective use of technology in parliamentary settings. 

World Public Sector Report

The World Public Sector Report, one of UNDESA’s Flagship Reports, aims to capture the emerging issues, concerns and innovations in governance and public administration, especially those that contribute to the realization of the UN Development Agenda including the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The World Public Sector Report is intended for policy makers, practitioners and civil society, particularly in developing countries and transition economies.