Welcome to the UN Comtrade, the best source for detailed imports and exports statistics in goods and services reported by statistical authorities of close to 200 countries/areas since 1962. Discover the updated platform with new features to make your research faster, easier and more efficient.
New Features

Single sign-on
The UN Comtrade provides a simpler sign-on experience through selected providers to login to UN Comtrade. There is no need to create a new account/password when you have an account with those providers.

More powerful data API options
The UN Comtrade provides more powerful data API options with a built-in developer portal for API definitions, testing, and obtaining your API keys.

New look and intuitive design
The UN Comtrade provides an easy way to find what you are looking for- like detailed imports and exports statistics in goods and services. Find them quickly and save the search for future re-use, thanks to the new look and more intuitive design.

Premium services
The UN Comtrade offers access to premium services, including bulk and Async(-batch) download. And priority preview access to Data Lake (when available).

New data, more parameters
The UN Comtrade features new data such as trade value in CIF and FOB, quantity in secondary unit codes, and gross weight. More parameters, including mode of transport, 2nd partner country, and customs procedure codes, are also available.
For a list of Frequently Asked Questions, click here.
For any questions regarding your subscription or licensing, please reach out to subscriptions@un.org.
Visit and explore the Comtrade today!
New Options, New Pricing
With its additional features and functionality, UN Comtrade introduced a new pricing structure that began on 1 October 2022.
Comtrade Subscriptions
Comtrade subscription options and pricing
Plan | Premium Individual | Premium Institutional Pro 1 (not-for-profit and academic institutions) | Premium Institutional Pro 2 (private sector/for profit) |
Yearly Subscription | $2,000 | $6,000 | $12,000 |
Type of Access | Individual | Institution-wide access | Institution-wide access |
API/Batch/Bulk | 5,000 queries per day | Unlimited queries per day | Unlimited queries per day |
Terms of Use | Internal Use | Internal Use | Internal Use |
For more information about the different types of subscriptions, click here.
How to OrderTo order, please contact us at subscriptions@un.org indicating the subscription type from the options offered (Premium Individual, Premium Pro 1, Premium Pro 2). Upon receipt of your request, we will contact you to arrange your preferred method of payment and set up access either by email domain such as trade.gov or User Name and Password.
Trials We offer a trial subscription; please visit https://uncomtrade.org/docs/premium-trial-subscription/ for details.
The re-dissemination of UN Comtrade data
Re-dissemination means re-using UN Comtrade data as is (without any transformation) in other data platforms (printed or online), not for internal use
Prerequisite: to be able to re-disseminate, you have to be an active Premium Pro subscriber
Cost of re-dissemination: It is based on the type of application:
(i) data visualization/analytics: 1 x Premium Pro subscription per year
(ii) data extraction: Fee depends on a case-by-case basis, and in addition, you have to ensure that your users are also UN Comtrade subscribers (Premium Individual or Pro). There is an API for this.
Now, the difference between data visualization/analytics and data extraction: if you limit 100,000 records per download, then it is data visualization/analytics. If you do not limit the number of records to be downloaded, then it is data extraction.
Exception: No re-dissemination fee for the following use cases:
- A small number of records (up to 100,000)
- In Public/free-of-charge data visualization/analytics
In conclusion, having in mind an active Premium Pro subscription, you should choose which re-dissemination option is best for you:
* Option (i): re-dissemination for data visualization/analytics application
* Option (ii): re-dissemination for data extraction application
Energy Statistics
The Energy Statistics Database contains basic statistics for more than 220 countries/territories on production, trade, transformation and consumption (end-use) for solid, liquid, and gaseous fuels, electricity, and heat. It contains data in their original units (e.g. metric tonnes, GWh) as well as calorific values to allow interfuel comparison in a common energy unit (terajoules). Currently, the database provides time series for the period 1950-2021 and is updated annually. Preliminary 2022 data are available for some countries, products and flows.
The main source of information for the Energy Statistics Database is the UNSD Annual Questionnaire on Energy Statistics. Additional sources of information for the database include national, regional and international statistical publications - including, but not limited to publications from: the International Energy Agency (IEA), the Statistical Office of the European Communities (Eurostat), the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), and the Organización Latinoamericana de Energía (OLADE). The Statistics Division prepares estimates where official data are incomplete or inconsistent.
To order
The database can be ordered by emailing United Nations Publications at subscriptions@un.org.
- Price for a single user: US $600
- Price for multiple users: US $2,500
- Price for annual updates: 20% of the full price.
A 20% discount is available for academic and non-profit organizations (multiple users only).
Format of the energy statistics database
The Energy Statistics Database is available as a delimited text file (TXT). The fields of the file contain the following:
- Country code: Country code (1-3 digits)
- Commodity code: Energy database commodity code (2 characters)
- Transaction code: Energy database transaction code (2-5 characters)
- Transfer commodity code: Empty
- Export/import country code: Empty or destination/origin country code (0- 3 digits)
- Year: Year (4 digits)
- Unit: Energy database unit code (3 characters)
- Estimate indicator: Empty or “*” if value is estimated (0-1 character)
- Value: Number
When you order the Energy Statistics Database, you will also receive the following material: a) description of the database; b) a legend of the database codes; and c) standard and country-specific conversion factors.
General disclaimer
To order, email United Nations Publications at subscriptions@un.org
National Accounts Statistics
There are two United Nations Statistical Division (UNSD) databases on National Accounts, both available free of charge from the UNdata Portal at data.un.org:
- National Accounts Official Country Data Database
- National Accounts Estimates of Main Aggregates Database (the same data are also available at unstats.un.org/unsd/snaama in a slightly different format)
While the National Accounts Estimates of Main Aggregates Database can provide you with a comparable measure of countries' economies (e.g., constant 2010 prices, measures in US dollars and national currencies), it is not as detailed as the National Accounts Official Country Data Database (for example, there is no Gross Fixed Capital Formation broken down by industry). On the other hand, the latter displays only official data as provided by the country,
The full database is available for sale for USD $600; further pricing details can also be found here. This database is in MS Access format and UN Publications can provide a download link to it.
To order, email United Nations Publications at subscriptions@un.org
DSAR - Daily Subsistence Allowance Rates
DSA rates are intended to relate to good commercial hotels and restaurants at various locations for more than 250 cities around the world. An additional amount of 15 percent of the average hotel and meal cost is included in the DSA rate to account for incidental expenses. DSA rates generally relate to specific cities within the country. An "elsewhere" rate is also generally provided to encompass all remaining areas of a countryFor additional information and to subscribe, please contact us at subscriptions@un.org.
Once we have received your request, we will contact you to arrange your preferred method of access: either IP Address up to 10 IP ranges or User Name and Password.
Duration | Price |
1 Year | US $325 |
2 Years | US $550 |
*Note: Non-profit organizations receive a 25% discount on subscriptions.
For additional information and multi-site licensing, contact us at: subscriptions@un.org

United Nations Development Business
Development Business (devbusiness.un.org) is the official United Nations website for consulting, contracting and export opportunities worldwide. Everyday Development Business receives, processes and publishes dozens of procurement notices and contract awards coming in from partners at the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the African Development Bank, the Islamic Development Bank, the Millennium Challenge Corporation, national governments, United Nations’ agencies and more. Since 1978, its mission has been to provide those in the business community with the tools they need to successfully bid on international contracts.
Subscription to Development Business provides access to:
- Latest Procurement Notices for international development projects in over 180 countries and 19 business sectors.
- Contract Awards for potential partnerships and sub-contracting opportunities.
- Operational Summaries for projects in the pipeline of major multilateral development banks.
Find more information about how to subscribe: devbusiness.un.org/join-us