
Latin America and the Caribbean in the World Economy 2008-2009

Crisis and Opportunities for Regional Cooperation (Includes CD-ROM)

Format *
The 2008-2009 edition of Latin America and the Caribbean in the World Economy is divided into three chapters. Chapter I offers a medium-term view of the current international economic conditions, examining in particular the variables that are most likely to shift global scenarios and affect the position of the Latin America and Caribbean economies in the world economy. Chapter II looks at the immediate and long-term implications of the current crisis for regional trade patterns, in terms of origins, destinations and the sectoral composition of trade flows. It also analyses the behaviour of commodity prices, terms of trade, international trade in services, tourism, foreign direct investment (FDI) and remittances. Lastly, the region's trade policy responses to the crisis are discussed. Chapter III examines opportunities for regional cooperation in Latin America and the Caribbean.


UN/Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
Print ISBN
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Page Count
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Series Title
Latin America and the Caribbean in the World Economy

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