896 items

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Accord européen relatif au transport international des marchandises dangereuses par voies de navigation intérieures (ADN)

L'Accord européen relatif au transport international des marchandises dangereuses par voies navigables intérieures (ADN) a été conclu à Genève le 26 mai 2000, à l'occasion d'une conférence diplomatique tenue sous les auspices conjoints de la Commission économique des Nations Unies pour l'Europe (CEE-ONU) et de la Banque centrale. Il est entré en vigueur le 29 février 2008. L'ADN se compose d'un texte juridique principal (l'Accord lui-même) et de règlements annexes et vise à assurer un niveau élevé de sécurité du transport international de marchandises dangereuses par voies navigables intérieures. Il vise à contribuer efficacement à la protection de l'environnement en prévenant toute pollution résultant d'accidents ou d'incidents lors d'un tel transport ; et à faciliter les opérations de transport et promouvoir le commerce international des marchandises dangereuses.

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Accord relatif au transport international des marchandises dangereuses par route (ADR)

L'Accord relatif au transport international des marchandises dangereuses par route (ADR) est un instrument réglementaire qui s'applique au transport international par route. Ses annexes sont également rendues applicables au transport routier national dans de nombreux pays (notamment les pays de l'Union européenne). L'ADR fixe les exigences relatives aux opérations de transport, à la formation des conducteurs ainsi qu'à la construction et à l'homologation des véhicules.

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Acts and Documents Concerning the Organization of the Court/Actes et documents relatifs à l'organisation de la Cour

This series contains the basic documents governing the role and functioning of the International Court of Justice, as adopted and amended since the Court’s creation, including the Charter of the United Nations, the Statute of the Court, the Rules of Court, Practice Directions, the Resolution concerning the Internal Judicial Practice of the Court and a number of other texts. Seven bilingual editions (English and French) have been published since 1946, the latest being in 2021. These volumes also include exhaustive indexes in both official languages of the Court.

Adaptation Gap Report

The UNEP Adaptation Gap Report (AGR) series provides an annual science-based assessment of the global progress on adaptation planning, financing, and implementation. It also explores options for enhancing and advancing national and global adaptation efforts and provides in-depth analysis of selected issues of interest. UNEP has produced the AGR since 2014, with the aim to inform the climate negotiations among UN Member States. While it remains an independent assessment, the objective of the AGR is closely aligned with that of the UNFCCC Global Stocktake.

Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions

These are the official records submitted to the General Assembly as biennial reports of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions.

Africa Human Development Report

The Africa Human Development Report explores issues of paramount  importance for all Africans with a view to addressing common objectives and ongoing agenda items on Africa’s development trajectory such as food security and gender equality. The report dwells upon issues which have long been recognized as important priorities for the governments and citizens of African countries. It reviews efforts of African countries in all spheres of society – in the home and community, in health and educational attainment, in the workplace, and in political participation and leadership.

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Africa Renewal

The Africa Renewal magazine examines the many issues that confront the people of Africa, its leaders and its international partners: sustainable development goals, economic reform, debt, education, health, women's empowerment, conflict and civil strife, democratization, investment, trade, regional integration and many other topics. It tracks policy debates. It provides expert analysis and on-the-spot reporting to show how those policies affect people on the ground. And, it highlights the views of policy-makers, non-governmental leaders and others actively involved in efforts to transform Africa and improve its prospects in the world today. The magazine also reports on and examines the many different aspects of the United Nations’ involvement in Africa, especially within the framework of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD).

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