Conference of European Statisticians Statistical Standards and Studies
The UNECE Conference of European Statisticians (CES) has been involved in setting statistical norms and standards since the Conference was established. Its main objective is to improve official statistics and their comparability, promote close coordination of international statistical activities, respond to any emerging needs for international statistical cooperation, and develop and adopt statistical standards in the UNECE region. The work builds on the UN Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics, a standard that was first adopted by UNECE in 1992, and globally by the UN Statistical Commission in 1994. These principles are considered a basic framework which all statistical activities developed by national and international organizations must follow in recognizing official statistics as a public good. The Conference has enhanced its role as the principal forum for the coordination of official statistical work throughout Europe and North America. A number of standards for statistical production have been developed under the CES to support countries in the midst of the ongoing data revolution. Publications in this series provides progress assessments on Statistical Standards and Studies.
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Economic and Social Development