
The State of Food and Agriculture 1956

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This edition continues the annual publication by FAO of world agricultural statistics, with a complete listing of data for 1954, the latest revisions of data for prewar and 1953, and, for the first time, data for the postwar average 1948-52. Coverage and quality of the statistics presented have been notably improved in this latest issue of the Yearbook. In addition, there are these new features that contribute to its usefulness: (1) A new section on Wages and freight rates, with a freight rate table presenting both historical series of maritime rates for selected commodities and leading freight rates, and country index numbers of freight rates; (2) A new table for Miscellaneous feedstuffs included in the section on Prices, along with a re-examination and necessary corrections of all price series; (3) Replanning of Food Supply tables, so as to show long-term trends in food consumption by the inclusion of averages for a prewar period, an early postwar period, and a recent postwar period, as well as individual figures for the latest years available; (4) New tables on Tomatoes and pineapples in the Crops section; and (5) Addition of new series to many of the tables in the section on Prices, with notes to price tables rewritten for inclusion of useful information on the sources of the statistical series and the methods by which annual averages have been calculated.


Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
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Series Title
The State of Food and Agriculture

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