
Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses (Russian language)

Statistical Papers - Series M. No. 67/Rev.2

Формат *
The population and housing census represents one of the pillars for data collection on the number and characteristics of the population of a country. The population
and housing census is part of an integrated national statistical system, which may include other censuses (for example, agriculture), surveys, registers and administrative files. It provides, at regular intervals, the benchmark for population count at national and local levels. For small geographical areas or sub-populations, it may represent the only source of information for certain social, demographic and economic characteristics. For many countries the census also provides a solid framework to develop
sampling frames. The United Nations Statistics Division issues standards and methods approved by the Statistical Commission to assist national statistical authorities and other producers of official statistics in planning and carrying out successful population and housing censuses.


UN/Department of Economic and Social Affairs
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Statistical Papers (Ser. M) (Russian)

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