
Guidelines on the Setting of Targets, Evaluation of Progress and Reporting

التنسيق *
The Protocol on Water and Health has been negotiated specifically to ensure, by linking water management and health issues, the supply of safe drinking water and adequate sanitation for everyone. The Protocol recognizes the complexity of the water and health nexus and requires Parties to tackle problems at their roots in a rational and coordinated way. The Guidelines illustrate the steps that need to be taken and the aspects to be considered when setting targets, implementing relevant measures and assessing and reporting on progress. The Guidelines are based on existing good practices and experience of the Protocol’s Parties. They illustrate a variety of possible targets that can be set in accordance with the Protocol and provide a source of inspiration, information and assistance to Parties that are undergoing the process of target setting. The Guidelines will serve national and local authorities and others engaged in the implementation of the Protocol.


UN/Economic Commission for Europe
Print ISBN
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Series Title
ECE Environmental Performance Reviews Series

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