
International Migration

An Emerging Opportunity for the Socio-economic Development of the ESCAP Region

التنسيق *
This paper discusses the current approaches to international migration as an emerging social development issue that merits attention in the post-Copenhagen Declaration years. Special emphasis is devoted to variations in demographic dynamics and to their implications for social development in the ESCAP region. Key trends are analyzed, including: (a) push factors that propel migrants away from their home countries; (b) pull factors that attract migrants to receiving countries; (c ) social/economic barriers that hinder or factors that facilitate migration in the region; and (d) socio-economic consequences of migration for countries of origin, destination, and transit. The paper highlights the consequences of irregular migration and its effects on trafficking in women and children. The paper also provides policy options to develop effective national migration policies and suggests a regional framework for further cooperation.


UN/Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
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Series Title
Social Policy Paper

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