
Agripreneurship across Africa

Stories of Inspiration

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This publication aims to inspire budding entrepreneurs in Africa to consider business opportunities in agriculture and agro-industry. Through success stories reflecting real-life agribusiness development experiences, which are organized into four themes (scale, women, youth, and challenging environments), it also aims to be an educational tool for business schools and entrepreneurship incubator programmes. There is increasing recognition of the strategic importance of agriculture, agribusiness and agro-industry in contributing to job creation, food and nutrition security and broad-based economic development on the African continent. The entrepreneurs behind these agribusinesses and agro-industries play a vital role in national development, bringing important innovations that improve agricultural productivity and impact the lives of many. Supporting entrepreneurship skills development, with a focus on agribusiness and agro-industry, can be an engine for job creation to absorb the growing number of young people searching for employment in Africa. This publication contributes to the evidence base for supporting, promoting and inspiring agripreneurship.


Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
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