Human Development Report 2023/2024
Breaking the Gridlock - Reimagining Cooperation in a Polarized World
Today, collective action on challenges ranging from climate change mitigation to peace and security is frustratingly slow or stymied altogether. Lack of trust and polarization--both associated with...
Today, collective action on challenges ranging from climate change mitigation to peace and security is frustratingly slow or stymied altogether. Lack of trust and polarization--both associated with...

Report of the Secretary-General on the Work of the Organization 2024 (Chinese language)
The Report of the Secretary-General on the Work of the Organization (A/79/1) is issued in response to Article 98 of the UN Charter and highlights how the UN Secretariat translates resources into...
The Report of the Secretary-General on the Work of the Organization (A/79/1) is issued in response to Article 98 of the UN Charter and highlights how the UN Secretariat translates resources into...

世界人权教育方案: 行动计划 第一阶段

世界人权教育方案: 行动计划 第二阶段

World Statistics Pocketbook 2017 (Chinese language)
( PDF: October 2017
The 2017 edition of the World Statistics Pocketbook is the forty-first in a series of annual compilations of over 50 key statistical indicators from more than 20 international statistical sources and...
The 2017 edition of the World Statistics Pocketbook is the forty-first in a series of annual compilations of over 50 key statistical indicators from more than 20 international statistical sources and...

Towards a Statistical Framework to measure illicit financial flows
( PDF: July 2024
The 2030 Agenda identifies the reduction of illicit financial flows (IFFs) as a priority area, as reflected in target 16.4: “by 2030, significantly reduce illicit financial flows and arms flows...
The 2030 Agenda identifies the reduction of illicit financial flows (IFFs) as a priority area, as reflected in target 16.4: “by 2030, significantly reduce illicit financial flows and arms flows...

Taxonomy of Legal issues Related to the Digital Economy
( PDF: December 2023
This taxonomy has been prepared by the secretariat of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) to map the main legal issues relating to emerging digital technologies in...
This taxonomy has been prepared by the secretariat of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) to map the main legal issues relating to emerging digital technologies in...

Trade and Development Report 2023
( PDF: July 2024
The Trade and Development Report 2023 analyses current economic trends and major policy issues of international concern, and makes suggestions for addressing these issues at various levels.
The Trade and Development Report 2023 analyses current economic trends and major policy issues of international concern, and makes suggestions for addressing these issues at various levels.

世界移民报告 2020
( PDF: February 2020
自2000年以来,国际移民组织(IOM)一直在制作《世界移民报告》。《世界移民报告2020》是《世界移民报告》系列中的第十本报告,旨在增进人们对全球移民的了解。该新版本涉及了有关移民的关键数据和信息,以及移民热点问题的主题章节,并为读者着重介绍了两部分内容:第一部分:关于移民迁移和移民的关键信息(包括与移民有关的统计数据); 第二部分:对复杂和新出现的移民问题进行均衡、基于证据的分析。
自2000年以来,国际移民组织(IOM)一直在制作《世界移民报告》。《世界移民报告2020》是《世界移民报告》系列中的第十本报告,旨在增进人们对全球移民的了解。该新版本涉及了有关移民的关键数据和信息,以及移民热点问题的主题章节,并为读者着重介绍了两部分内容:第一部分:关于移民迁移和移民的关键信息(包括与移民有关的统计数据); 第二部分:对复杂和新出现的移民问题进行均衡、基于证据的分析。

Universal Declaration of Human Rights (75th Anniversary Edition) (Chinese language)
( Print: September 2023
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is the first international agreement setting out freedoms, rights and entitlements for all humanity to claim. It emphasizes the inextricable...
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is the first international agreement setting out freedoms, rights and entitlements for all humanity to claim. It emphasizes the inextricable...