Latin America and the Caribbean Demographic Observatory 2023

Latin America and the Caribbean Demographic Observatory 2023

Population Dynamics in Latin America and Their Effects on the Labour Force

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In this edition of the Demographic Observatory, the impact of population dynamics is illustrated through an analysis of selected indicators of labour force estimates and projections by sex, age and area of residence for the 1980–2050 period in the 20 countries of Latin America, using the 2023 Revision prepared by the Latin American and Caribbean Demographic Centre (CELADE)-Population Division of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). The analysis highlights that structural changes in the labour force over the 1980–2022 period and projections through to 2050 show markedly different scenarios depending on age group, sex, and urban or rural area. This has implications for public policy in areas such as labour, education, health and care. The report also outlines the methodology applied and the data sources used to produce the estimates and projections.


UN/Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
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Latin America and the Caribbean Demographic Observatory / Observatorio Demográfico América Latina y el Caribe

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