898 items

Annuaire de la Cour Internationale de Justice

Un Annuaire est publié chaque année dans lequel est rendu compte des travaux de la Cour pendant la période allant du 1er août de l'année précédente au 31 juillet de l'année en cours. Cette publication, auparavant produite en deux éditions, une en anglais (Yearbook) et une en français (Annuaire), est maintenant publiée en un seul volume bilingue. Les Yearbooks/Annuaires ont été publiés sous forme cartonnée jusqu'en 1963-1964 et ont été imprimés en relié depuis lors.

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Annual Report of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific

The Annual Report of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, monitors regional progress, provides cutting-edge analyses and guides policy discussion on the current and emerging socio-economic issues and policy challenges to support inclusive and sustainable development in the region. It focuses on significant aspects or challenges relevant to the economies of Asia and the Pacific region.  It is one of the longest, continuously running reports in the United Nations system.

Annual Report of the Economic Commission for Africa

These are the official records of the annual reports of the Economic Commission for Africa.

Annual Report of the Economic Commission for Europe

The Annual Report of the Economic Commission for Europe monitors regional progress, provides cutting-edge analyses and guides policy discussion on the current and emerging socio-economic issues and policy challenges to support inclusive and sustainable development in the region. It focuses on significant aspects or challenges relevant to the economies of the European region.

Annual Report on Evaluation

The Annual Report on Evaluation assesses the performance of the evaluation function throughout the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and in the associated funds and programmes, such as the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) and the United Nations Volunteers (UNV). The Report provides information on evaluation coverage, compliance, quality, institutional arrangements, and the way evaluations are used. It also presents key findings and lessons learned from the body of independent evaluations conducted during the reporting period.

Annual Review of Developments in Globalization and Regional Integration in the Arab Countries

The Annual Review of Developments in Globalization and Regional Integration in the Arab Countries examines different aspects of trade and economic ccoperation on a global scale and their effects on the Arab region, as well as developments in economic cooperation between Arab countries themselves.