World Programme for Human Rights Education (Chinese language)
On 10 December 2004, the General Assembly of the United Nations proclaimed the World Programme for Human Rights Education (2005-ongoing) to advance the implementation of human rights education programmes. The World Programme was established by the General Assembly’s resolution 59/113 (10 December 2004). Building on the achievements of the United Nations Decade for Human Rights Education (1995-2004), the World Programme seeks to promote a common understanding of basic principles and methodologies of human rights education, to provide a concrete framework for action and to strengthen partnerships and cooperation from the international level down to the grass roots. Unlike the specific time frame of the Decade, the World Programme is structured in consecutive phases, to further focus national human rights education efforts on specific issues.

Всемирная программа образования в области прав человека: План действий Второй этап
( PDF: February 2012