Arab Human Development Report
This series engages institutions and citizens in the Arab countries in analysis and discussion about the factors which shape the choices and freedoms available to people across the region, so as to foster understanding and consensus around regional and national development priorities. They also identify disadvantaged groups within the region, and suggest policies, strategies and opportunities for their empowerment. The Reports target policy-makers, opinion leaders and civil societies who are engaged in the search for a brighter future across the region.
Arab Human Development Report (Arabic language)
This series engages institutions and citizens in the Arab countries in analysis and discussion about the factors which shape the choices and freedoms available to people across the region, so as to foster understanding and consensus around regional and national development priorities. They also identify disadvantaged groups within the region, and suggest policies, strategies and opportunities for their empowerment. The Reports target policy-makers, opinion leaders and civil societies who are engaged in the search for a brighter future across the region.
Arab Society: A Compendium of Social Statistics
The Compendium of Social Statistics and Indicators is a biennial publication which focuses on such areas as population, education, households and family, human settlements, health, and economic activity. Its primary objective is to highlight social development in the region through tabulation of time series statistics and indicators.
Asia-Pacific Countries with Special Needs Development Report
The Asia-Pacific Countries with Special Needs Development Report analyzes development challenges that are particularly pertinent to the region's 36 least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small island developing States, which are collectively referred to as countries with special needs. Policymakers in these countries will find the analysis and policy recommendations in this report useful when designing and adapting national development policies to support sustainable development, while development partners can use the findings to re-align their cooperation strategies with the priorities of these countries.
Asia-Pacific Development Journal
The Asia-Pacific Development Journal (APDJ) is published twice a year by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific. The primary objective of the APDJ is to provide a platform for the exchange of knowledge, experience, ideas, information and data on all aspects of economic and social development issues and concerns facing the region and aims to stimulate policy debate and assist policy formulation. The APDJ provides a scholarly means for bringing together research work by eminent social scientists and development practitioners from the region and beyond for use by a variety of stakeholders. The Journal aims to stimulate policy debate and assist policy formulation in the region.
Asia-Pacific Disaster Report
This publication examines exposure and vulnerability in the Asia-Pacific region. Faced with growing economic losses and increasingly vulnerable populations, and inspired by good practices in reducing social vulnerability, the publication analyzes the drivers of risks and the strategies that are in place to deal with these growing risks.