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Asia-Pacific Sustainable Development Goals Progress Report

Asia-Pacific Sustainable Development Goals Progress Report (previously known as Asia-Pacific Sustainable Development Goals Indicator-Based Progress Report) analyses Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) trends as well as availability of data for monitoring the progress in Asia and the Pacific and its sub-regions. It identifies areas that need collective decisions for prioritizing acceleration or changing the trend with the main purpose to inform decisions at regional forums such as Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development (APFSD) and Asia-Pacific Commission. It also provides an effective communication tool that fosters inclusive regional consultations and effective engagement of the stakeholders including media and civil society. The analysis utilizes cross-nationally comparable data from ESCAP database for the global SDGs indicator framework and when necessary supplementary statistics available at the regional and sub-regional levels. The series is the continuation of the Statistical Yearbook for Asia and the Pacific.

Asia-Pacific Sustainable Development Journal

The Asia-Pacific Sustainable Development Journal (APSDJ) aims to stimulate debate and enrich research in the formulation of policy in the Asia-Pacific region towards the fulfillment of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The APSDJ seeks to provide a forum for the exchange of knowledge, experiences, ideas and analysis on issues concerning sustainable development across its economic, social and environmental dimensions. Published twice a year, the APSDJ is a rebranded journal of ESCAP that builds on the success of two earlier journals – the Asia-Pacific Development Journal (APDJ), being published since 1994, and the Asia-Pacific Population Journal (APPJ), in print since 1986. These journals are being merged in recognition of the interconnected and multidisciplinary nature of sustainable development.

Asia-Pacific Trade and Investment Report

The Asia-Pacific Trade and Investment Report (APTIR) is a recurrent publication prepared by the Trade and Investment Division of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific. It provides information on and independent analyses of trends and developments in: (a) intra- and inter-regional trade in goods and services; (b) foreign direct investment; (c) trade facilitation measures; (d) trade policy measures; and (e) preferential trade policies and agreements. The report offers insights into the impacts of these recent and emerging developments on countries’ abilities to meet the challenges of achieving inclusive and sustainable development.

Assessing Regional Integration in Africa (ARIA)

The publication's overall objective is to provide analytical research that defines frameworks for African governments, the African Union and the Regional Economic Communities, towards accelerating the establishment of the African Common Market through: the speedy removal of all tariff and non-tariff barriers, obstacles to free movement of people, investments and factors of production in general across Africa, and through fast-tracking the creation of an African continental Free Trade Area.

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Assessment of Development Results

This series assesses the attainment of intended and achieved results as well as United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) contributions to development results at the country level. Their scope include, but is not confined to, UNDP responsiveness and alignment to country challenges and priorities; strategic positioning; use of comparative advantage; and engagement with partners. The number and selection of countries, and the timing of these evaluations, are determined to ensure coverage and to allow findings and recommendations to feed into the preparation of the subsequent programme. Wherever possible, these evaluations will be conducted in conjunction with other United Nations organizations.

ATP Handbook

The Agreement on the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs and on the Special Equipment to be Used for such Carriage (ATP) was done at Geneva on 1 September 1970 and entered into force on 21 November 1976. The objectives of the ATP are to facilitate international transport of perishable foodstuffs and to ensure a high level of preservation of the quality of perishable foodstuffs during their carriage. The ATP applies to the carriage of perishable foodstuffs performed on the territory of at least two Contracting States not only by road, but also by rail and by sea (sea crossings must be less than 150 km long). In addition, a number of countries have also adopted the ATP as the basis for their national legislation. The ATP Handbook comprises the Agreement itself and its Annexes with comments added where appropriate for clarification or additional explanation of the text. The comments are not legally binding for Contracting Parties of the ATP. They are, however, important for the interpretation, harmonization and application of the Agreement as they reflect the opinion of the Working Party on the Transport of Perishable Foodstuffs (WP.11).

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