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Africa Sustainable Development Report

The annual Africa Sustainable Development Report reviews Africa’s performance on the goals, related targets and indicators of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, taking into account the corresponding goals, targets and indicators of Agenda 2063. The report uses the latest data from international sources to track performance and highlight lessons learned in the implementation of the two agendas. The report is jointly prepared by teams from the Economic Commission for Africa, the African Union Commission, the African Development Bank and the United Nations Development Programme — Regional Bureau for Africa. It is reviewed and validated during the Experts Review Meeting comprising of the 2030 Agenda and Agenda 2063 Focal Persons from African member States.

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African Governance Report

The African Governance Report is a biannual publication, which assesses and monitors progress towards good governance in African countries. It assesses the perception on governance by households and experts at the country level.

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African statistical yearbook / Annuaire statistique pour l'Afrique

The Yearbook series is a result of collaborative efforts by major African regional organizations to set up a joint data collection mechanism of socioeconomic data on African countries, as well as the development of a harmonized database. It seeks to promote wider use of country data, reduce costs, significantly improve the availability and quality of the data, and lead to better monitoring of development initiatives on the continent.

Afrique renouveau

Le magazine Afrique renouveau traite des nombreux défis auxquels sont confrontés les populations africaines, leurs dirigeants et leurs partenaires internationaux: les objectifs de développement durable, les réformes économiques, la dette, l’éducation; la santé, la promotion de la femme, les conflits et troubles politiques, la démocratisation, les investissements, le commerce, l’intégration régionale et autres sujets. Il suit les débats d’orientation générale et publie des analyses d’experts et des reportages de terrain sur l’impact de ces débats sur la vie des populations. Il met en lumière le point de vue des décideurs politiques, des responsables d’Organisations non gouvernementale et autres activement engagés dans les efforts de transformation de l’Afrique et d’amélioration de ses perspectives. Le magazine publie et examine également les différents aspects de l’engagement des Nations Unies en Afrique, plus particulièrement dans le cadre du Partenariat pour le développement de l’Afrique (NEPAD).

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Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR)

The Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) is a regulatory instrument that applies to international transport by road. Its annexes are also made applicable to national transportation by road in many countries (in particular the countries of the European Union). The ADR lays down requirements for transport operations, driver training and the construction and approval of vehicles.

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Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) (Russian language)

The Соглашение o международной дорожной перевозке опасных грузов (Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR)) is a regulatory instrument that applies to international transport by road. Its annexes are also made applicable to national transportation by road in many countries (in particular the countries of the European Union). The ADR lays down requirements for transport operations, driver training and the construction and approval of vehicles.

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Agreement on the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs and on the Special Equipment to be Used for such Carriage (ATP)

Done at Geneva on 1 September 1970 and entered into force on 21 November 1976, the objectives of the Agreement on the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs and on the Special Equipment to be used for such Carriage (ATP) are to facilitate international transport of perishable foodstuffs and to ensure a high level of preservation of the quality of perishable foodstuffs during their carriage. It applies to the carriage of perishable foodstuffs performed on the territory of at least two Contracting States not only by road, but also by rail and by sea (sea crossings must be less than 150 km long). The ATP is an Agreement between States, and there is no overall enforcing authority.

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Air Pollution Studies

Air pollution has significant impacts on our health, environment and economy. Pollutants in the air we breathe come from multiple sources, including sectors such as industry, transport and agriculture. Every day, air pollution causes respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. To improve air quality on the local, national and regional levels, UNECE member States have been working successfully to gradually reduce and prevent air pollution in the ECE region. One of the vehicles through which this has been achieved is the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution, which was signed in 1979. Over the years, it has been extended by eight protocols that identify specific measures to be taken by Parties to cut their emissions of air pollutants.