
Assessment of Development Results - Chile

Evaluation of UNDP Contribution

Format *
The publication presents an assessment of UNDP’s contribution to development results in Chile was performed during 2009 to help design a new country programme, and covers the 2001-2009 period, including the 2001-2003 programming cycle that extended through 2006, and the 2007- 2010 cycle. The assessment has two main components or dimensions: the evaluation of UNDP’s contribution to development results in Chile and the Agency’s strategic positioning. It offers a synthesis of the context in its multiple dimensions: political, socioeconomic, human development, environmental and energy. This synthesis provides a framework for the treatment of the role of the United Nations system and of UNDP Chile during the period examined. The book illustrates the contributions of UNDP to development results and reviews UNDP’s strategic positioning. The final part presents findings, lessons and recommendations of the assessment.


United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Print ISBN
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Series Title
Assessment of Development Results

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