
75 Years of Inland Transport Committee

75 Documents That Changed the World of Transport

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The Inland Transport Committee (ITC) of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) was formally established in July 1947. For 75 years, ITC has provided a platform for intergovernmental cooperation to facilitate and develop international transport while simultaneously improving its safety and environmental performance. The main results of this critical work are reflected in the 59 United Nations international agreements and conventions which provide a legal framework and technical regulations for everything from the development of international road, rail, inland navigation and intermodal transport, to dangerous goods transport and vehicle construction. Some of the most emblematic moments of the 75-year history of the Committee are captured in this publication. The adoption of the ITC Strategy until 2030 in 2019 prompted the continued expansion of the Conventions under the Committee’s purview towards eventually covering all 193 UN Member States. Through this strategic direction on the road to 2030, ITC as the UN platform for inland transport stays true to its 75-year history that changed the world of transport and impacts the daily lives of billions around the world. It will ensure its continued contribution to the needs and priorities of its members and contracting parties, by leading change in inland transport, and by providing a level-playing field and inclusive platform of reliable solutions at a time when these are needed the most by the international community.


UN/Economic Commission for Europe
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