Report of the International Narcotics Control Board for 1998

التنسيق *
'Global Drug Control has succeeded but fresh challenges loom.' The 1998 report states that while international treaties have prevented further spread of the drug scourge, major challenges facing future control include computer-made illicit substances, the frequent overprescription of psychotropic drugs and more widespread use of cannabis. In presenting an analysis of the drug control situation worldwide, the report gives an extensive analysis of illicit drug abuse and the efforts to control it at the regional level. It also addresses the operation of the international drug control system focusing on such areas as adherence to drug control treaties, cooperation with Governments and control measures. The Report of the International Narcotics Control Board 1998 is supplemented by detailed technical reports which contain data on the licit movement of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances required for medical and scientific purposes. It also contains a special chapter dedicated to the history of international drug control and major challenges it faces in the future.


United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
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Report of the International Narcotics Control Board

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