
Investing in Energy Security Risk Mitigation (Russian Language)

Формат *
Developments in the energy markets, particularly for hydrocarbons, over the last decade have contributed to an increased sense of vulnerability among countries about the future availability of reasonable priced energy. As a result, energy security is once again uppermost in the minds of the general public and policymakers. Therefore, investing in future energy sources to meet the growing global demand for energy is likely to remain a major preoccupation of countries for the foreseeable future. The publication addresses challenges facing the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) region in achieving a secure and sustainable energy future. It discusses government roles in energy investment, methods of financing energy projects, performance of national oil companies, and four country case studies, and presents conclusions and recommendations on energy security, including on infrastructure investment and financing.


UN/Economic Commission for Europe
Print ISBN
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Series Title
ECE Energy Series (Russian)

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