890 items

Chronique ONU

Produced by the United Nations Department of Public Information, this quarterly journal covers major political and social issues of concern around the world today. Each issue focuses on international developments on a wide range of topics including: human rights, economic, social and political issues, peacekeeping operations, international conferences and upcoming events. A French edition of UN Chronicle is also available. Old Turpin link: http://ebiz.turpin-distribution.com/products/197651-united-nations-chro…
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Civil Society and Disarmament

The Office for Disarmament Affairs publishes the series entitled "Civil Society and Disarmament" within the context of the General Assembly resolutions on the United Nations Disarmament Information Programme and the United Nations Study on Disarmament and Non-proliferation Education. The publication provides a forum for the views of civil society in order to further an informed debate on topical issues of arms limitation, disarmament and security.

Commodities and Development Report

The UNCTAD Commodities and Development Report series provides in-depth analysis of topics of particular interest to commodity dependent developing countries and presents policy proposals.

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Commodities at a Glance

Commodities are products stemming from agricultural production or mining production that have not yet been transformed: agricultural products, tropical beverages, energy, minerals, ores and metals. This publication series aim to collect, present and disseminate accurate and relevant statistical information linked to international primary commodity markets in a clear and concise format.

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Compendium of Intra-African and Related Foreign Trade Statistics

The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa's African Center for Statistics (ACS) compiles the Compendium of Intra-African and Related Foreign Trade Statistics annually to Provide quality and timely merchandise trade statistics in support of regional integration.

Competent National Authorities under the International Drug Control Treaties

This directory lists the competent national authorities empowered to issue certificates and authorizations for the import and export of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, and to regulate or enforce national controls over precursors and essential chemicals. The legal bases for designating these authorities are the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961 (article 18), the Convention on Psychotropic Substances of 1971 (article 16), and the United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances of 1988 (article 12).