Arab Human Development Report (Arabic language)
This series engages institutions and citizens in the Arab countries in analysis and discussion about the factors which shape the choices and freedoms available to people across the region, so as to foster understanding and consensus around regional and national development priorities. They also identify disadvantaged groups within the region, and suggest policies, strategies and opportunities for their empowerment. The Reports target policy-makers, opinion leaders and civil societies who are engaged in the search for a brighter future across the region.

Arab Human Development Report 2002 (Arabic language)
Creating Opportunities for Future Generations
This report, the first regional Human Development Report (HDR) for the Arab States, focuses on the people of the Arab world, particularly the citizens of the 22 member states of the Arab League, from...
This report, the first regional Human Development Report (HDR) for the Arab States, focuses on the people of the Arab world, particularly the citizens of the 22 member states of the Arab League, from...

Arab Human Development Report 2003 (Arabic language)
Building a Knowledge Society
The Arab Human Development Report Series aims at building human development in the Arab world. The 2003 report surveys the most salient trends that influenced the process of human development in 2002...
The Arab Human Development Report Series aims at building human development in the Arab world. The 2003 report surveys the most salient trends that influenced the process of human development in 2002...

Arab Human Development Report 2004 (Arabic language)
Freedom through Good Governance
The new edition of the Report describes free societies, in their normative dimension, as fundamental contrasts with present-day Arab countries. Caught between oppression at home and violation from...
The new edition of the Report describes free societies, in their normative dimension, as fundamental contrasts with present-day Arab countries. Caught between oppression at home and violation from...

Arab Human Development Report 2005 (Arabic language)
Towards the Rise of Women in the Arab World
Gender inequality is generally recognized as one of the main obstacles to development in the Arab Region. This volume of the Report focuses on the history and contemporary dynamics of Arab women's...
Gender inequality is generally recognized as one of the main obstacles to development in the Arab Region. This volume of the Report focuses on the history and contemporary dynamics of Arab women's...

Arab Human Development Report 2009 (Arabic language)
Challenges to Human Security in the Arab Countries
Like the first Arab Human Development Report, this fifth volume in the series undertakes a broad diagnostic of the state of development in Arab countries, this time through the lens of human security...
Like the first Arab Human Development Report, this fifth volume in the series undertakes a broad diagnostic of the state of development in Arab countries, this time through the lens of human security...

Arab Human Development Report 2016 (Arabic language)
( Print: February 2017,
PDF: August 2016
The Arab Human Development Report (AHDR) 2015 addresses the development challenges facing youth (15-29 years) in the Arab region. Historically the current youth generation is the largest youth cohort...
The Arab Human Development Report (AHDR) 2015 addresses the development challenges facing youth (15-29 years) in the Arab region. Historically the current youth generation is the largest youth cohort...

Arab Human Development Report 2022 (Arabic language)
Expanding Opportunities for an Inclusive and Resilient Recovery in the Post-COVID Era
The Arab Human Development Report 2022 focuses on post-COVID recovery, assessing long standing development challenges across the spheres of governance, society, and economy—tackling aspects of gender...
The Arab Human Development Report 2022 focuses on post-COVID recovery, assessing long standing development challenges across the spheres of governance, society, and economy—tackling aspects of gender...
Human Development Report 2020 (Arabic language)
The Next Frontier – Human Development and the Anthropocene
The 30th Anniversary 2020 Human Development Report is the latest in the series of global Human Development Reports published by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) since 1990 as...
The 30th Anniversary 2020 Human Development Report is the latest in the series of global Human Development Reports published by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) since 1990 as...